Wednesday 2 January 2013

Happy 2013

I hope this finds you all well and good. Did you all enjoy your holidays? I hope everyone got to spend time with family and friends and take sometime to relax. I am happy to say I got to do all of those things. I very much enjoyed spending everyday of my holiday with my husband and daughter. They bring so much joy to my life!!

 I am happy to report boot camp is starting in less than a week! Wahhooo!! Check out my bootcamp page with all the details. It is going to be a great time, I can feel it! Even if you aren't doing my boot camp. I hope you are all keeping up with your health and fitness. It is easy to jump on the "New Year's Resolution Band Wagon", but if it helps you get a jump start on reaching for your goals I won't stop you. All I can say is remember to be nice to yourself, set reasonable goals, and find a way to enjoy reaching them.

Here are 2 things that REALLY helped me lose weight and get more fit, though I'm sure you could apply these principles to any goal you have set for yourself.
1. I made a workout chart and put in on my fridge, it had all my workout days planned, including days when I rested. Then every day when I did what the chart told me to do I got to color in the square. It made me feel pretty happy with myself. I know it sounds like something you do when you are 10 yrs. old, but hey it worked for me. It helped to have a daily visual reminder of what I was going to do.
2. I changed to way I talked about myself and my goals. I always said "when I", not "if I", I said "I will", not "maybe". I talked in a way that I believed in myself entirely. It felt weird at first and I had to often correct myself, but eventually I saw how it was helping stay confident and accountable.

So here is to another year! Happy 2013! :)