Monday 19 January 2015

Day 15 of 28 "Super Juice me!"

It's Monday morning and I'm starting my third week of juicing. It is going well. Each week I've had a low point, but when I think about it--that's pretty normal for me, the only difference is I didn't try to cure it with bad food. 

On Friday night we had a family dinner at my Dad's, I drank my juice while everyone had chicken, bread, rice & a Japanese cabbage salad I brought. It wasn't too hard, as in I wasn't really tempted by the food, because I've worked so hard to get to this point I wasn't going to crumble. The hard part was trying explain why in the world I was juicing for 28 days. My family seemed mostly supportive, but it was harder for me because I felt like I couldn't answer their questions. I had a hard time explaining myself. That night when we got home, I sat down and thought long and hard about why I was doing this. 

My reasons for doing this are:
Overall better health
A total mind & body reset
Challenging my body to do something I didn't think I could do
Lose weight
Clear up acne
Help with back pain 
Help with knee pain

So far I've seen a difference in all areas except knee pain, and my acne is good and bad, but that could also be because I'm terrible at washing my face. 

My weightloss so far has been a total -9.5lbs. In the first week I dropped 6.5lbs & the second week I lost 3lbs. It feels nice to feel my clothes fitting nicer & looser (I like loose fitting clothes). 

One of the biggest things I've noticed, and was surprised by was the energy I had to teach insanity (a group fitness class). I felt like I was able to jump higher, push longer & my recovery was SO fast! One day I taught it twice and it was amazing the energy I had. 

Anyway, I hope you all are doing well. 

Let this be a reflection to you that you can do anything you put your mind to. It just takes one step each day, and you will get closer & closer to your goals!!

Keep on going my friends. In health happiness & fitness --take care!!

Saturday 10 January 2015

SUPER JUICE ME! Day 6 of 28

I'm finishing up day 6 of the super juice me plan by Jason vale, almost a week of juicing---say what?!

So here is how this plan works, I downloaded the "super juice me" app....and follow it. Hah! There are 4 juices a day. 2 thickness and 2 thinies, and everyday starts with either a shot of Apple and ginger or a shot of cucumber and celery. The "ginger shot" burns my throat, and REALLY wakes you up, the cucumber celery shot is really refreshing, I actually like it. 

So the thickies, they are a juice blended with avocado or banana or both. You have it in the morning and at night. I have liked most of them, some have had an odd tastes (too much cauliflower or ginger..not good!) but the majority are great. 

The thinies...well to be honest I don't looove them, but I bare through it. Some have been really surprising. This one had tomatoe & cabbage in it, I was expecting to hate it but I think it's been my favorite one all week. 

The hard parts, yes this hasn't been easy, what is? BUT withdrawing from sugar and processed foods has been worth it. I've felt tired,cranky, nausea, hungry, but I don't focus on it. I'm only writing about it, so no one (including myself) doesn't think this hasn't had side effects. Feeding my kids, while feeding myself has been difficult, grilled cheese & chicken has never smelt so good!!! 

Hunger SOS! So with the program he's outlined hunger sos'. If you are feeling like you need a little extra something you can have something without feeling like you are going off the plan. They are an avocado, banana, Apple, a 'juice bar' (I don't have any of these). So far I had 1 half an avocado yesterday morning and today I had a banana....then I had an avocado tonight.  That's not totally on have 3 in one day, but I'm moving on and not letting an extra few hunger sos' stop me! 

Things I'm learning: 
-I'm totally an emotional eater, like totally!--yesterday I wasn't having a great moment (like a pre-period not great moment--sorry tmi) and I found I really wanted to eat, just to make me feel better. Food isn't going to make me feel better long term, I have to remember this!! 
-I have a choice, I have a choice whether to juice or not to, no one is forcing me to drink it. So why complain and be cranky about it. 

Well onto healthy eating and drinking (hah)! 

Friday 2 January 2015

Welcome 2015

Wow! 2014 went by sooo fast! 
Do you believe in "New Years resolutions"? I do! I believe in goals, so I am all for resolutions. 

Over the past week I haven't eaten well, I have snacked too much and let myself go just a little too much when it comes to food. I still tracked everything I ate and got in most of my workouts. This I am happy about, because I wasn't a "closet" snacked--I owned what I ate, I didn't lie to myself. So I am pulling in the reigns and getting a hold of my late night snacking and getting amped up for Monday's juice detox! 

I am deciding to go ahead with the 28 day super juice me plan. I am going to take it one day at a time and stay focused on my goals and build healthy eating habits that aren't just a phase. I am going to assess at 14 days in and then proceed as I feel fit. I signed up for a "diet bet"as well, so it will keep me motivated to keep my eating on que---a little money always adds a little motivation. 

My fitness plan is going to be strength training, running, insanity & a new program Piyo. I am going to hammer out the details and of course.....make a chart! Haha!!

I will be making a goal chart for 2015 aswell as reviewing what I learned from my 2014 goals reached and not reached. 

Happy New Year all!! Here's to a year of new goals and building on the ones achieved. Who's in?! You are worth the time to take a few minutes and review what you want to achieve and how you are going to get there. Try it!
Take care friends 😀 happy 2015!!