Wednesday 30 April 2014

Weight in Wednesday week '4'

Well it's been a few weeks folks, and well to be honest I was going through some personal stuff and I couldn't really fake it on my posts. So I chose not to post. And I have never been good at keeping up a blog. So bare with me. Anyway, I'm doing a lot better and pushing through---especially my plateau!!

So a few weeks ago I had a weight loss goal of 20lbs. After a few weeks of going up and down on the scale I thought okay let's not focus on the weight loss, but then that was like giving myself permission to go a little crazy with my eating. I've kept up with my workouts. 6 days a week baby?! 

By going crazy with my eating I mean not stopping at a bowl of ice cream.  I'd eat the bowl then some chips then some candy, then the cycle went on. I only did it in days I have crazy long runs. So it wasn't allll bad, but it definitely sabotaged all the hard work I did during the week. 

So I changed my mindset again and pumped myself up to fight through my mental and physical plateau. I have to constantly remind myself of this--no giving up allowed!!

On Monday (April 27, 2014) I started the 21 day fix. A new weight loss and fitness program by beachbody. I have to say I'm pretty pleased so far. You may wonder why I do these workout programs when I have the know-how as a Personal Trainer. Well it's because I'm human too, and sometimes it is easier for me to follow someone's instructor then plan it out myself. I do add it my own strength training routines as well as runs throughout the week. These workout DVDs I've done have taught me a lot about fitness and have changed my fitness capabilities.  It's something that works for me. {lesson learned: find what works for you, then keep doing it!-don't stop!!} 
Beginning of the 21 day fix: 162lbs (this was 2 days after a crazy long run-30km. So my muscles were swollen and I was carrying a lot of extra water) 
Today: day 3- 158.5lbs

I am sticking to the nutrition plan, following it to a tee and then doing the daily 30 minute workouts on top of running, teaching bootcamp/insanity once a week, and other various at home workouts. I am fighting hard and not giving up. 

So let my experience be a lesson to you- 'you don't have to be perfect to be successful, you just need to keep going.' No giving up peeps!

See you next week! 


Thursday 10 April 2014


Hello hello middle of the week. Man, when Wednesday hits it either feels like the week will never end or that it is flying by. Anywho, here is this weeks results. 
Last week: 159.5
This week: 159lb
Total loss:0.5lbs

So it's not a huge number, it's not really a number at all, but it's going in the right direction. I am coming to terms with the slow and steady pace. I want to find happiness in my journey not just at the finish line...figuratively speaking. Not that there is a finish line because it is my life. This isn't a 'diet' it's a lifestyle and I'm taking it one day at a time. 

Yes to be honest it's discouraging at times, but I got to put my happy pants on a keep on fighting for what I want. 

I want to focus on the present. For example when I'm with my kids, think about them, watch them, interact with them. When I'm eating...if by some miracle I'm alone really savour what I'm putting in my mouth, try not to scarf it down in 2.0 seconds (which I'm really good at doing). When I'm working out, think about what I'm doing how to get more out of it, how to push myself etc, etc. When I'm on Instagram really focus on what I'm looking at...haha just jokes!! (Almost had you didn't I!!?) 

This past week at a glance:
Fitness: I worked out 6 days. I had a 15 km run on Saturday and filled the rest of the week with running, teaching bootcamp twice, p90x3, and Blogilates (google it if you don't already know what it is). The only downer moment fitness wise I had was I injured my right wrist so I was unable to exercise at my normal capability. It's getting better though. I am in my final week of p90x3. Only 3 more workouts left?!?! Where did the last 90 days goo???!

Food: I finished up my 7 day slim down on Sunday. It was a great tool to show me how my body reacts to certain foods. I'm incorporating what I learned and some of the guidelines into my regular diet. I still track all that I times I don't want to but I KNOW it is what makes me successful. I did have a few moments of weakness. Matthew made pancakes on Sunday, and well I had was so dang delicious!!--I may have also had another one this morning..maybe..okay fine I did!! haha! I am a pancake girl all the way!! 

It's all about moderation and allowing yourself to enjoy the yummyness of life, but for me I know when I'm enjoying it and when I'm just eating crap for the sake of eating crap. There were a few other moments, but whateves, I just want you to know I don't eat perfect all the time, I am human too. 

Okay well here is to next week! Say yah later gaters 

All the best to you in health & fitness. -Ang :) 

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Weigh-in Wednesday: Week 2

Hello out there,

So here we are week 2 of my weigh-in-Wednesday. 
I have to say last week I was about ready to throw in the towel and not work so hard, but then I thought "No!--I'm not giving up on me!!"
This week I have been following a 7 day slim down that ShaunT (creator) of insanity has put on his FB and Instagram page. Now before you all think I've been drinking lemon juice and eating celery for the past 3 no!! I'm not crazy. Okay so I can be a little crazy, but not like that. I still love to workout and in order to go that I have to eat properly. 

This is it...I am using it as a guide, basically a new tool to see how my body reacts. I am not starving myself, mmmkay! So like my true self I made my own chart...I'm a little chart obsessed :) 
Isn't it pretty?! Lol. So I stuck it on my fridge and I colour in a square every time I eat. I also write down what I ate and when I ate. I also started journaling again, it is helping me sort out my emotions, so I'm not a big angry bear--I'm sure my husband appreciates it. 

So as I said I'm using this plan as a guide. I have eaten things off the list and such. I'm not going to go buy a bunch of brand new food when I've got a fridge full. That's just silliness. 

One thing I've noticed and LOVED, is I'm not bloated or sick to my stomach!!!! Wooh hoo! The whole bathroom issue (see last post) isn't totally cleared up but there has been some relief. Heck, it's better than no relief. I am still eating the same amount of calories, if not more and feeling super good.

 This may sound ridiculous but I'm really happy with myself for not following this to a T. whenever I say I'm going to do something like that, and then I eat something not on the 'list' I feel so awful I end up giving up entirely. Everyone is different, so you've got to find what works for you. This week is helping me get my cravings back in check and getting me to eat lots more veggies & protein. I'd say its a win all around. 

Oh yah I guess I am supposed to tell my weigh-in. Haha I almost just pieced out without telling you. 
Week 1:162lbs
Week 2:159.5lbs
Total loss of 2.5lbs :)...(insert happy dance) 

Later gaters!! I hope this all finds you well and good!!
I'll leave you with a few pictures of what I've been eating!

Stay strong!! Don't give up-ever!! No matter what the goal is, don't take no for an answer :)

Last picture...promise. This is a "I just lost 2lbs and ran a new PB" face lol