Tuesday 19 February 2013


Hello my sweet friends,

So I will be honest I am not in any way competitive, sometimes I wish I were because I feel like it would make me play better during family games. Anytime I find myself getting competitive this really mean/cranky/jealous side of me comes out. So let's just so it is better that I'm not competitive. As for those who are, it amazes me the determination and drive it gives them. Though I am not competitive I am extremely motivated. Not all the time, but when I am, there is no stopping me...that is until my stupid "negative self talk" kicks in and I have to tell it to "BE QUIET" (p.s- Adelade, my 1.5 yr old didn't see me use the word stupid, okay?).

Okay onto what my big IDEA is...well it's not really MY idea, people do it all the time and my Husband got me thinking about it again. I am going to hold a.....CHALLENGE!! (yeeeah I am!!) Okay, so what is this challenge you ask?
The challenge will involve those who want to lose weight and reach a fitness goal.
The Challenge is going to be over the course of 12 weeks and starts on FEBRUARY 26th! Yes it is the day bootcamp starts, but you DON'T have to be a boot-camper to be a part of the challenge. 
Here is what you need to know:
How to win:
  •  Whomever loses the greatest percentage of body fat AND reaches their fitness goal will WIN. There may be a 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize winner depending on how many people enter.
What do you win:
  • Well you are going to be pretty darn happy with yourself for having a goal and reaching it and you'll be healthier and more fit and you will also win a cash prize....DID I say CASH prize?!
How to enter:
  • Everyone puts in $10 (...viola the cash prize) all of it goes to the winner, and perhaps the runner ups!
  • Submit your weight in lbs
  • Submit your fitness goal (make sure it is a reasonable goal, something you cannot do right now but could do within 3 months. for example running a marathon in 3 months if you haven't run before would not be a realistic goal) If you want help coming up with one for yourself let me know.
  • Submit your measurements (I will let you know how to do those if I don't do them for you)
  •  Submit a before and after picture (Front, profile and back)
So who is IN?!?
If you are IN just email me/facebook me/comment on this post and I will put you down.
So the challenge starts next Tuesday but you need to submit everything to me by MARCH 5th 2013.

I am excited to see how this unfolds. I will be getting in on the action to, though I won't be losing any weight as I'll be gaining a baby over the next 6 months, but I will have a fitness goal!!

Also as for posting any of the contestant information on my blog I won't do so unless I have your permission. As this is still a work in progress there may be changes as it happens.

Good luck to you all! I am SO excited!! tee hee!


Another round--starts next week!

So this is the last indoor bootcamp I will be running this season! Then we are headed--OUTSIDE folks!!


WHEN: Feb26- April 4 (6 weeks): Tuesday & Thursday 5:45pm-6:45pm
COST: $190 for new boot-campers/$180 for returning boot-campers
*$10 off if you sign up with a friend (must be a new boot-camper)*
2266 Woodpark Avenue S.W. Calgary AB T2W 2Z8

Let me know if you are interested!
email me at
or call 403.860.5738
Ready to sweat it up and have some fun!? Can't wait to see ya there!!!