About Me

Hello! My name is Angela. 
I am a wife, mom, sister, daughter, granddaughter, aunt, friend and newly found lover of fitness!!

Here is my journey.

Growing up I was the girl in school who got teased for anything and everything (apparently I was an easy target, at least that is the way it seemed). I never felt good enough, pretty enough or smart enough. In grade 5 kids at school started to call me "fat". Looking back at pictures, I was a scrawny 10 year old with little shape to my body. I soon became really self conscious of my body and started to wear baggy clothes and lots of layers to disguise my shape. 

I felt this way for a long time. By the time high school hit I was over weight and very unhappy. I had good friends though, which made life a whole lot greater. They were the ones telling me how great I was inside and out. By the time I graduated high school I had enough confidence to know I wasn't a complete waste of time, but I always felt "held back" by my weight.  I used to think "one day, when I'm skinny I'll have a boyfriend" or "one day I'll be pretty if I could fit those jeans"...(all really unhelpful thoughts). 

Though I was over weight, I still enjoyed fitness. My problem was I never stuck with it long enough for it to pay off. I played rugby from grade 9-12 and a few years after. I joined rugby because every girl who tried out made the team (how great is that?!). 

I eventually went to University, where I graduated with a dual diploma in Social Work and Disability Studies. During University I went to the gym and attended some fitness classes. I started to increase my cardiovascular capacity and realized I loved to run. I wanted to be a runner so badly, but I had to drop some pounds before I could realistically run with ease.
Almost every night I would go to sleep telling myself "tomorrow, you are going to work out, eat better and lose weight". I spent a lot of time thinking about losing weight, but not a lot of time actually doing it. It became a vicious cycle.

During the summer break of 2009 before my last year at University I started to take a 6AM Bootcamp class 3 times a week. I wanted to get in shape and FINALLY lose weight. The first session was 6 weeks long, by the end of the 6 weeks I was hooked. I LOVED it. I ended up signing up for 2 more sessions which lasted the rest of the 4 month break. I also started to go running after bootcamp some mornings. I was in the best shape of my life. I signed up and ran a 10K that summer as well. It was a great feeling!! I was confident and really loving life. I had gone down to about 175lbs, which was the smallest I had been in my teenage and adult life. Along with working out more, I was also eating better. Food was the challenge for me in terms of weight loss.

Wedding DAY! It was a great day!
Now fast forward a year, it was June 2010. I was getting married!! Even though I had gained back all the weight I had lost, I felt beautiful and confident. I had stopped working out and eating healthy. I hadn't committed to a lifestyle change. Later that year I got pregnant. I started out my pregnancy at 200lbs. The one thing I LOVED about being pregnant is I never worried about losing weight. It was AWESOME! Unfortunately I was quite inactive before getting pregnant so I became even more out of shape by the time I gave birth to a healthy beautiful girl in July 2011. 

I was SO ready to get back in shape after having my daughter I was so excited when that "6 week post birth" time came. I, like a lot of women, did the 30 day Shred by Jillian Michaels. I remember doing a jumping jack for the first time. WOW! I never knew I could feel my insides move!! It was so HARD!! I didn't quite do the entire 30 days, but it definitely made me aware of how much work I had ahead of me. 

  I finally decided that Thanksgiving I would start a weight loss program. I started Weight Watchers Online at 200lbs. It was great for me, I could track my food and my activities and stay accountable. I told myself "if I can work hard and get my body into shape, and lose the weight I need to get healthy and be happy for the rest of my life...isn't it worth it?!" (why YES it is!!!!). I also understood that gaining self confidence doesn't happen overnight. I had to start my journey being happy and confident. 

About a month into the program I started to also focus on working out. I wanted to get
back into running. I ran a 5k that December...which was WAY harder than I thought it would be...a 10K in January...which was also hard, but easier because I was 25lbs lighter...then I decided to train for a half marathon!! On June 9, 2012 I ran my very first half marathon. I had lost just over 50lbs and I felt incredible.

Almost at the finish line! Footstock Half Marathon 2012
Also during my half marathon training I decided to also become a Personal Trainer. I had often thought about becoming one growing up, but never entertained the thought long enough to believe it could happen. So I signed up in April and took a online and in-class course to become a Certified Personal Trainer. I passed my last exam in July, which makes it official! I'm a Personal Trainer. It was a great program that has given me a solid foundation to build on.  I still have days where I feel gross and blubbery, and I have to remind myself where I have come from and what I have accomplished. I also need to remind myself that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. What matters is that I feel beautiful being me!!

So this is my journey to a healthier, fitter me. It doesn't end here, it will keep going for as long as I let it. Thank you for letting me share a piece of me with all of you.

My next goal is to start my own Personal Training and Bootcamp business. Starting this blog is step number 1 towards that goal!!

I hope my story has opened your mind to thoughts of accomplishing goals you have for yourself. I believe in YOU!! We can all relate in someway to not feeling good enough. I know that it takes hard work and dedication, but I truly believe you can do anything you put your mind to....even writing a BLOG! ha!!


  1. Way to go Angela!! Your so awesome and this is a great 1st step! I always thought you were beautiful inside and out and your a wonderful friend!! Congratulations and I wish you the best of luck! Maybe you can teach me a thing or to, I need to get my butt in gear!!

    Way to go!

    Jenny Hooper

    1. Thanks so much Jenny! You are wonderful :) I would love to teach you a think or two. I'm glad we have kept in touch and remained friends.

  2. pure inspiration Ang! Have always looked up to you and always will! love you!!

  3. Great story Angela! It is truly amazing to see how far you have come. You are a real inspiration to all people who struggle with their weight! It's so great to see someone making and achieving their dreams!
