Friday 26 December 2014

Day 29, 30, 31 & 32!

Happ Boxing Day!! (What is Boxing Day anyway?!) 

So here's my recap for my fit over the holidays!! 5 more days!!

Day 2--gym
Day 3--gym
Day 4--Christmas walk and playing in the park
Day 5--today, at home insanity workout!! 

As for food. I have made sure to have fresh juice for the past 4 days too. Not only is it mighty tasty, but I know I'm getting some great food in me. I've got one more Christmas dinner tonight and then all the big dinners are done....sort of! Hah. We have family in town so every dinner until New Years is technically a 'big dinner' haha!! 

I'm mentally preparing myself for the next month ahead of me full of juicing. It is going to challenge me in all aspects, but I'm ready for it!! 

Take care friends!!


Monday 22 December 2014

First run & I'm about to get SUPER JUICED!!!

I First off I must tell you about my first official run since injuring my knee!!! 

I have not ran since OCTOBER 4 2014, that is 11 weeks...okay on IG I said 13 or 14 weeks, oops!! Anyway 11 weeks of no running is a looooong time to not run for someone who has been running at least 3 days a week since January. 

I got the go ahead a week and a half ago for my physio that I could start running last Thursday the 18th, but with being sick and such it didn't happen until today. So I had instructions to walk for 5 minutes, run/walk for 15 and then walk at the end for 5 minutes. The run/walk portion was 1 minute run, 1 minute walk. It was pretty nice out considering it is the 22nd of December!! What?! Running felt so amazing, I forgot how much I missed it. I was feeling really "blue" before I went and knew I needed an endorphin pick me up, even if I was tired. Even though it was a much shorter run than what I'm used to I clocked 3 km, and my pace was 7:24min/km (average) my quickest was 5:57, which is pretty good considering I was walking and running. My knee did not hurt, I could feel pressure, but no pain. I know it needs to build up strength, so I will be diligent in getting in my runs every other day and following the outline. No 10km runs in the near future! Haha! 

This was me post run!!---I was mighty excited!!!

So now onto, me getting SUPER JUICED!!

Okay so if you haven't heard about Jason Vale, or juicing, or the documentary Super Juice me---go get your google on and then come back. 

You back?? (Hehe) okay so Jason Vale has a number of Juicing plans, I have done his 3 day plan twice now. I loved it and felt great afterwards. He has a 3 day, 5 day, 7 day, 14 day and 28 day juice detox plan. On January 5th he is hosting the worlds biggest juice detox. I originally signed up for the 5 day one, but then I thought why not give the 28 day one a try. 

Here are my reasons:
1. I have been battling a few digestive issues 
2. I've had low back pain for over a year now
3. I want to cut out/back on refined sugars and processed food
4. I want to clear my system and start fresh
5. I have acute acne I'd like to clear up
6. I have 15lbs of body fat I need to lose. 
7. I feel sluggish and tired a lot 

So what I'd like to achieve from the 28 day super juice me plan is 
1. More energy
2. Body fat loss
3. Clear skin
4. A better working digestive system
5. Controlled cravings for unhealthy foods
6. Less low back pain.

My plan is to start juicing on the 5th. I am going to do 30minute+ exercise in the am and 30 minutes in the evening. This will help my metabolism going and keep me building muscle. 

Now before you get all "juice for 28 days, you are crazy" well maybe I am, but I know that I am putting healthy vitamins and nutrients into my body. I'm not doing a 28 day McDonald's eating frenzy. 

I am going to document my journey on here, so in 13 days get ready to be super juiced!!!!

Eeeekkk, now that I wrote it, it's out there. No turning back!!! Good thing no one reads my blog....

Peace out :) 


Oh yes here is my food for the day!

Day 26-27&28

Hey folks! So it's been a bit busy-crazy-tired at night kind of weekend hence the lack of posts. BUT I still tracked my food. 

I was not very healthy this weekend food wise--I will warn you now, I had peters on Friday night & Chinese on Saturday night.

My body feels really blah, which leads me to feel very blah. Also I am extremely bloated---maybe it's the diary?? 

I am almost over this cold. The antibiotics seems to be working, so I've been able to get in some workouts. Woot woot!!

Today (Monday) I did an insanity workout in the morning with my kids. I felt so completely out of shape that I wanted to crawl up in a hole and cry. My stomach was flapping around and I could barley keep up with the moves. I felt tired and weak and overweight. (Don't mind my pity party). This is what happens when you take almost 2 weeks off from exercise. I know that my body needed the rest, but I can also tell that my clothes aren't fitting how they normally do. My midsection is still carrying excess weight that I planned on losing this year. I only lost 8-10 pounds this entire year, yes I know I gained muscle mass, but my stomach is still the same size it was earlier this year. 

Today I was thinking about how we view our bodies. I want to have a positive body image and show that to others especially my children. Yes beauty is not defined by a number on a scale or by the size of clothes you wear, but there is beauty in happiness. I love my body---I love it enough to be happy with it. I am not happy it right now so I plan on working on it. I have spent a good amount of time maintaining my weight and now I'm ready to step it up and get these last 15lbs OF FAT gone!!!! I don't care if the number on the scale stays the same, but I want and need to lose some excess body fat to be able to reach my fitness goals. I want to be an athlete and a runner, I want to lift heavy and jump high I want a tight stomach. I want to be happy with the body I love. 

Here's my weekend food tracking :) 




Thursday 18 December 2014

Day 25... Getting better....I hope!!

Hey friends!! 
I actually did an early morning workout today :) it took a lot out of me. I didn't know what would happen, but I was willing to give it a try. Unfortunately it didn't make me feel better, but Tylenol & Advil are helping. I hate that I am taking so many pills, but I don't know how to get rid of the pain. 

My eating was on par today and I am eating more out of hunger & nourishment and less out of emotion & comfort. Yay team!!

Breakfast: protein shake
Snack: Apple
Lunch: tomato soup & grilled cheese
Snack: peanut butter & jam sandwich
Dinner: lemon grass chicken vermecilli noodle bowl. (Yum yum yum!!) with 2 veggie spring rolls. I know deep fried spring rolls don't scream healthy, but they were sure delcioso!! 

I was able to go to work today. I'm not sure if I went to work because I felt better or I felt bad canceling on clients. Ah well it's good to get out. Hopefully tomorrow's even better!! 

Christmas is in a WEEK!!!! Whether I feel good or not I have got to finish my Christmas shopping!! 
Here's to staying on my workouts & eating right over the holidays. 

Woot woot!!! We got this friends xo

Ang :) 

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Day 24

Hello world, 

I'd love to say this cold is going away, but it's not going a.n.y.w.h.e.r.e!!! 
Breakfast: 2 oat balls and 1/4 of a bagel. This was eaten as I crawled back into bed after I went to the doctors only to find out my doc doesn't start until 11. Hah...yah it was hilarious. No but seriously I was so grateful I was able to get in with him at all!! 
Oh yah--so I don't really know what it is I have, most likely a sinus infection. I've got a nasal spray & antibiotics if the spray doesn't work. Which so far not too much has changed. I know I know, be patient. 
Lunch: sweet potato tomato soup, it's one in a carton from Campbell soup. It was delicious. With that I had a cheese, lettuce & mayo sandwich. It was so yummy!!! 
Snack: no afternoon snack---I laid on the couch and in bed until about 4:45. Terrible I know--I feel like a lazy sack of rocks!!!! It was a blessing in disguise that Matthews work fell through today. I also had to cancel with my clients....again! 
We did manage to go for a little family walk this evening. The fresh air felt amazing!! I even did some "weight lifting" as Bentley really wanted to walk, and would dive roll out of the sled, and well he's not so fast or great at walking forward we alternated between carrying him. 
Dinner: homemade tuna melts...yum yum yum!! I haven't had tuna in AGES! It was great! I love adding pickles to my tuna, do you? I also had a bowl of yogurt & berries. Again very yummy! 
Dessert:....yes dessert. I ate half a zero chocolate bar (don't be fooled there is not zero calories in it, I believe it's called zero because it melts above zero?!?!) and 1 oat ball. 
Calories around 1700. 

I feel like I ate more nutritiously at lunch & dinner today & that was good!! 

Also I'm now on day 8 of no workouts! Say what?! :(  
I'm going to see if I can manage one tomorrow am, we shall see. It's really the constant pressure and headache that's doing me in. What do you do? Work through it, or take time off? 

Night night world

:) ang

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Day 23--- oat balls

Breakfast: oatmeal with pb & agave
Lunch: homemade tortilla pizza....same as yesterday. With half a cookie. 
Snack: 2 homemade energy oat balls....they are so delicious :) 
Dinner: I was feeling extremely tired and not so into eating, but I did have peanut butter on rice cakes. Yummy eh?! 
Snack: another oat ball...okay 2 ;) haha! 

I am really proud of my eating lately. I haven't been able to hit the gym in 7 days & usually I eat out of comfort, but lately I've had my indulges but overall I feel like I'm staying on track. It's a lifestyle not a diet. 

Xx ang! 

Monday 15 December 2014

Day 22....headache!

Good morning headache...migraine...pain in my head, 

Breakfast: everything bagel with butter & pb
Lunch: homemade tortilla pizza with zucchini mushrooms and cheese
Snack: berries, milk, spinach & maple syrup. The syrup helped me not taste the sliminess of the spinach! Haha! Gross I know! 
Dinner: Tuscan chicken sandwich from Safeway. Have you ever had one? The first time I ever had one was when Matthew & I first met. It also tastes good, but has sentimental value to me. Double yum! 
Dessert: half a double chocolate chunk cookie

Overall calories around 1700 :)

Matthew was sweet enough to take the kids out and get me some Advil cold & sinus and supper. It was very nice. I wish I had felt better so I could have used that hour to do some mad cleaning, instead I just rested, and it was bliss! 

I realize these posts aren't exactly motivational or jam packed with knowledge, but for me they help me process my day and slowly but surely I'm building a healthy relationship with food. 

I don't know if it's the medicine talking or I'm actually feeling better, but I just might be well enough to workout tomorrow!! I hope so!!

Day 20 & 21

Hello :) 

I feel like all I'm doing lately is complaining but this cold is seriously no fun! On Saturday I got up and tried to do some Christmas shopping. It went well, except I felt like I was 100 years old, my low back hurt so bad just from holding my purse. How can that be? I have a lot of low back pain and today was the worst in a long time! I wasn't able to workout even. I thought if I took it easy on Saturday I'd feel better. Hah! Yah-no! Eating wise, wasn't terrible, but wasn't super healthy. 

On Sunday we almost spent the day in bed, but I was determined to get our butts moving so we went to church. Even if we were an hour late we still made it! These are the perks of 3 hour church. I ate pretty good, I was craving something sweet in the evening, and made a chocolate pudding pie that tasted not so great, I ended up throwing it out....after I ate some--haha!! 

Today I woke up with an excruciating headache, so far I've eaten a bagel, I know I know not very nutrient dense. I am happy to get a fruit shake made for lunch. 

Peace out friends!! 

Saturday's food ^
Sunday's food v

Friday 12 December 2014

Day 19---finding energy

Today started slow. I was supposed to train a client at 10, but I had a feeling I wouldn't be feeling well enough so I cancelled last night. I didn't have the energy to wake up and hit the gym, so needless to say we had a low key day. 
Breakfast...which I ate around lunch: bowl of oatmeal with pb, banana & maple syrup
Snack: a superstore cheese bun & a booster juice. Pomegranate's so good. I was hoping it would give me the kick of energy I was lacking. Yah no. I totally ate the cheese bun out of comfort, it tasted good! No regrets! 
Dinner: Matthew made tacos. I had big plans of making him dinner because he was FINALLY done his projects he's been tirously working on alllll week, but I was feeling so lousy he was sweet and made us all tacos. We sat and ate them while we watched "home alone 2". Good times!! 

So as you can see I've been eating meat & diary a little over the past few days. I am not committing to 'one style' of eating per say---other than healthy--er. I definitely know there is benefits in eating more fruits & veggies--but I have been craving meat. Also my digestive issues haven't benefitted as much this time with plant based foods, so when I'm still getting stomach aches I have to wonder what is going on?! Too many beans?? I have no idea. 

So for now, I just want to ride this cold out & go from there. I know that food is fuel, so it's about fueling my body with foods to help me heal & recover, right?! 

I miss working out though.....did I tell you that I can start running in 1 week, says my physio. It will be a slow start, but I'm super excited!!! 

Night night world
Me & my princess 😃

Thursday 11 December 2014

Day 18

Hello self, 
You are sick not lazy. Stupid cold. 
You ate out of comfort. 
Don't feel guilty. 
You are human. 
It happens. 
Weight is just a number. 
It doesn't define you. 
Love your body it is a gift. 
Your body is not perfect. 
Perfection is relative. 
You define perfection. 
Love your body. 
Again, love the body you were given. 
It carried and gave birth to 2 little humans. 
It lost 50lbs...twice. 
It has run hundreds and hundreds of miles. 
It is strong. 
It can push. It can pull. 
It can sweat. 
It can laugh and cry. 
It can be happy & sad. 
You are beautiful.
Even those stretch marks. 
Love. Your. Body. 
Because I love you.  
Love, me. 

This is a picture of how my weight has fluctuated over the past 4/5 months. It is frustrating. But I am determined to stay positive. 

Here's what I ate today. (I did stop after 8--wahoooo) though I managed to eat a bowl of homemade kettle corn popcorn right before. 

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Day 16 & 17

I was so tired yesterday I didn't get a chance to keep up with my posts. But I still stayed on track and tracked my food. Also last night I came home from work at 7:30pm I was debating between not eating or eating. I didn't have supper yet and I was faced with the debate of under eating or eating enough. 
I chose eating enough. I made a big plate of pasta with grilled veggies sauce & avocado. It was very delicious. 

Day 16:

Day 17:
I took a rest day today because I am still recovering from my chest cold, and was up a few times during the night with Bentley because he is soooo sick :( I felt so sad for him!!! He is so stuffed up! My body needed REST! 

Anyway tonight I packed a supper YAY!! It was really yummy. After work I almost binged on chocolate & cookies, but I didn't --I threw them out!!! Woot woot!! 

Well that's all for now :)
Peace out xx

Monday 8 December 2014

Day 15

Today I was feeling like 85% better so I hit the gym at 7, with my bestie! I took it easy, and did my physio exercises. I even did a 15 minute jog around the track. Without any pain....right up until the sprint at the end. Boo! It's getting stronger and better.

Okay so as I'm writing this my hubby is making popcorn and oh me oh my it smell divine!!!! But it's 10pm and I'm not eating. I'm stuffed to the brim after the super I had. 

Breakfast: protein shake
Snack: cookie (the ones from yesterday
Lunch: the pie part from my homemade shepards pie. I topped it with avocado & fresh tomatoes. It was really REALLY good seriously it will change your life. Who knew what lentils, corn tomatoes, seasoning and a touch of maple syrup could taste sooooooooo amazing together. 
Snack: cookie....2 & an apple
Dinner: I knew I was going out for sushi at 7, but I was starving as I made supper. So I had 2 pancakes with some berries as well as a lot of delicious sushi. I wish I knew whyat was in them but they were sooooooo good. I have been going to this one restaurant with my good friend Kelsi, for a couple years now and it never disappoints. I now eat the 'real' sushi, it all tastes so good mixed together. Anyway enough of my romanticizing about sushi. 

So today I wasn't on my water like I usually am, and by the end of the day I noticed. My energy levels were low and I was snacky!!!! 

It wasn't a terrible day nutrition wise, but it didn't feel highly nutrient dense either. 

Sunday 7 December 2014

Day 14

So today my cold totally kicked my butt! Wow! It was not nice, but it's nearing the end of the day and I'm starting to feel better than I did when I woke up! Woot woot!! 
Breakfast: oatmeal, banana,'s my favorite lately
Lunch: rice, chickpea, cranberry, basil warmed salad with avocado. 
Snack: I munched on skinny sticks, but then thought I'm sure I'd feel WAY better if I made some fresh juice. So I did and me and the kids drank it like it was the next best thing!!!! Sooooo yummy! 
Dinner: at around 4 pm I totally passes out, I was waiting for Matthew to get home from church, finally once the kids were out of my hair and I was bundled in my bed, I was off to dreamland. So much so that I didn't notice when Matthew brought me a nice warm bowl of chicken noodle soup. 
So when I woke up around 5:15 that's what I ate. It was so kind of him. I baked. I made the cookies off one of my favorite blogs oh she glows. They were a "turtle" cookie but I didn't have pecans, but I have hazelnuts coming out the wazoo, so I used hazelnuts. They turned out great. I definitely ate more than 1....okay I ate 4, maybe 5. 
But my calories were under 2000. So it's not bad. 

Tomorrow I'm hoping to feel even better than today. I've got to watch what I eat during the day because I'm hoping for sushi with a friend. 

Here's to going into week 3 strong! 

Ooooo I decided on my workout plan for the next 6 weeks. I'm not sure if I'll start it tomorrow, but it's exciting! I'll share more on that later. Also my knee only hurt at ONE point today!!! That is seriously a miracle. Usually it hurts 90% of the time. I'm so happy my body is getting stronger, namely my legs & glutes so my knee pain has disappeared...almost :) 

Night night. 

Friday 5 December 2014

Day 12 hitting the gym when you're sick & desssssert & day 13

This morning I went to the gym despite not feeling 100%. I was glad I went because I know it helped me start my day off on the right foot. My motto is truly listen to your body, rest is important, especially when it comes to fighting off a bug. 
Breakfast: oatmeal, banana & pb. It was so comforting & warm!
This keep me full until 12. 
Lunch: homemade fries & ketchup. The fries were just boiled potatoes that were baked. I didn't add any oil to them. Just salt at the end and dipped them in crushed tomatoes (because I didn't have ketchup) 
It was soooo filling
Snack: Apple
Dinner: a small piece of my homemade lentil Shepard pie 
DESSERT! A white chocolate brownie from Moxies :) 
It was delightful! 
I was still under my calorie goal with my brownie & everything :) double thumbs up! 
Night night....I was in the middle of writing this last night but I felt so miserable I couldn't stay I'm combining Friday & Saturday :) 

Saturday day 13

I woke up still feeling pretty awful so I decided to take a rest day because my body was already sore & tired and I hadn't worked out yet. Anyway, this isn't a pity party so I'm going to keep moving on
Breakfast:oatmeal banana and pb...lots of it! It's so yummy and comforting!
Lunch: more shepards pie
Snack: everything bagel with earth balance "butter"
Dinner: I went out for another girls night (2 in a row) I felt pretty sick still, but I really wanted to see my friends so I put on my red lipstick and went! 
We went to the Olive Garden, I got water, camomile tea & whole wheat linguine with some type of vegetable sauce. Of course I enjoyed their salad and breadsticks....yummy!!! The tea made me nice and warm and the good company made me forget about my plugged sinuses, runny nose, cough & sore throat....pleasant eh?! 
Night time treat: chocolate chip cookies & I tried my first ever Tim tam slam!!! It did not disappoint :) 

I definitely overindulged today, but I didn't eat out of guilt, shame or body hating emotion. 

10 Things I learned this week: 
1.Even though I didn't keep my no eating after 8 the entire week, I know the difference I feel when I allow my body the time between my last meal of one day and my first meal of the next day. I much prefer not eating after 8pm. I plan on making this a lifestyle habit.
2. Order tea when out for dinner, it is warm and comforting. 
3. If there is no meatless/dairy free options ask for a "side" menu, or order bruschetta. (I came to this conclusion after going out to eat...oops)
4. Keep drinking at least 3-4litres of water, I wasn't perfect at this everyday and I noticed. 
5. I prefer 3-4 big "I feel full" meals to 5-6 smaller meals. 
6. On Friday when I ate oatmeal, homemade fries & shepards pie I was completely satisfied. 
7. Working out in the morning is the perfect way to start my day!!!!! 
8. By doing my physio exercises everyday I feel almost no knee pain, it's not 100% but I see running in my near future. Yipeeeeee!!!! 
9. Lifting weights is something I always want a part of my exercise regime. 
10. I can achieve a tighter stomach!!!! It will take time and dedication, but I CAN do it! 

Thursday 4 December 2014

Day 11 lots of working out & splurge

Workout - check
Breakfast: protein shake
Taught Bootcamp- check
Snack: peanut butter wrap with banana  
Lunch: vegan burrito with avocado
Snack: skinny sticks & peanut butter
Taught 30 minute Insanity class
Dinner: protein shake & energy bar
Second supper aka splurge....;) Tim hortons BLT, 2 Wendy's chicken nuggets & Oreo cookie & piece of chocolate. Yes, I know! No guilt though! 

Obviously I did more than eat and workout!! Hah!

 I came home from work and I didn't feel good (in hind sight I should have gone to bed) I was also very hungry, my hubby was kind enough to go get a sandwich for me...hence my splurge...I know it wasn't the healthiest choice, but it was delicious and I have no regrets :) 

No giving up, tomorrow I'll be sure to get in my gallon of water and drink some fresh juice! Staying on track and staying strong! 

Who's with me!?

Later gaters :) 

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Day 10 clutch cut program 'Weightloss' & training plans

Wednesday?! Already! Wow this week is flying by :) :(. 

Today I woke up feeling a bit sick, and I was sure happy that is was my rest day! My arms are soooooo sore from my arm workout yesterday--owe!!

On track again!
Breakfast: Apple,carrot, beet,cucumber pineapple, fresh pressed juice :) blended with ice and avocado. I made a huge batch and shared it with my kids & hubby. 
Snack: Apple
Lunch: vegan burrito, avocado, salsa & tomatoes. Sooooo good! Is it just me or do most things taste better with avocado?! 
Snack: multigrain skinny sticks with peanut butter & mini cupcake. 
Dinner: same juice I had this morning, more is all. It was so yummy, but by the time I got home from work at 10pm I was so so sooooo hungry, instead of nibbling I drank a BIG OL glass of water & wrote this. 

I wanted to share an experience I've had with you. 
So 3.5 weeks ago I started following a program on called clutch cut. It was a 3 week program. At first I started following the nutrition program, I got to day 5 and couldn't keep up with rice broccoli & chicken. Though I did the ENTIRE fitness portion of the program though. After day 5 of not following the nutrition program I went a little cray-cray with my eating and I think I ate everything in sight for about a week. By the start of the 3rd week I was getting more on track with my eating, but my poor eating choices were starting to show on the scale. I had gained 5 pounds in 2 weeks!! Obviously I knew it wasn't fat I'd gained because I was tracking my food and I hadn't eaten more than a 15000 calories surplus!! BUT I knew snacking late at night was causing my body to retain water. So I started to STOP EATING at 8pm, no night time snacking. This is when I started keeping up with this blog again...9 days ago.  This morning I got on the scale and I am down 4 pounds. I can feel my body letting go of the water and now I can start burning fat!! (Almost back to my starting weight...haha) 

Please let my choices be a lesson to you. Be patient with the scale, be consistent with your training and be mindful of what you eat. 

Though I did not lose any weight on the 'clutch cut' program, I feel stronger and my body is showing changes, good changes. I am learning, again and again and now know that nutrition is SO key when it comes to seeing real true long lasting results. No I am not about to go on some crazy starvation diet, or pop some pills. I am going to eat real, fresh, whole foods. For me animal products don't sit well with me, so I've decided to take them out of my diet. I want to drink more fresh juice, and yummy healthy fats, carbs & protein. 

As for training I am going to think this week on my plan for the rest of the month, so this week I'll be doing some strength and cardio and Monday I will have a plan. Stay tuned!!! You always have to have a plan!!

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Day 9

Guess what, I didn't bake today. Crazyness I know!? Lol

Here's what I ate today:

I taught a late Insanity class and didn't get home until 7:45, so my last meal ended at 8:15pm. 

No more eating after that though. It was hard to stop eating but I am sticking to my guns, and no late night snacking! 

--peace out :)

Monday 1 December 2014

Day 8- Shepards's Pie & 80 calorie cupcakes!!!

Oh jee I just wrote an entire blog post, then went to find a link for a recipe and forgot to save it!!!! Argh!!!!!!!!

Here's my link:
Vegan chocolate mini cupcakes: 
So I made these cupcakes today, Adelade wanted to pretend it was her birthday so we even got a candle and sang "happy birthday" to her. It was really cute!! I took lots of pictures! Haha! 

The changes I made to the recipe:
-only 1/2 cup of sugar 
-added a small banana
- subbed 1/2 cup of unsweetened applesauce instead of the oil
- I used maple extract instead almond in both the cupcakes & frosting. 
-I used a mini muffin tin, and greased it with coconut oil. 

The changes for the frosting: 
I only used 1/4 cup of earth balance 'butter' and 3/4 cup of icing sugar. ( I ran out of sugar, so I had to keep the icing in the fridge so it didn't melt) & 1/2 tsp of maple extract & 1/2 tsp of vanilla.

They are only 81 calories each and 2 grams of fat! (Icing included)

I forgot to snap a pic with icing, but they look so tasty!!

Lentil Corn Shepards Pie:
-sorry no pic-
1 TBSP olive oil
3 minced garlic cloves
6-8 peeled plum tomatoes, diced. (Google how to peel tomatoes, it's easier then you may think)
2 tbsp maple syrup
Sea salt, onion powder, thyme--- maybe 1/2 tsp-1 tsp of each
1 can of brown lentils (drained)
1 can of peaches and cream corn kernels (drained)
4 ish cups of mashed potatoes

1. Make mashed potatoes
2. Peel tomatoes
3. Turn oven to 425F. 
4. Heat up fry pan, add oil and garlic. Sauté on high for 3 minutes. Add the tomatoes, maple syrup and seasonings. Let it bubble and boil for a little while...3 minutes. It'll look really tasty! Then add he lentils and corn. Stir it all together. Once it is all warm, add it to a 9x13 cooking dish, then add the potatoes on top. 

Bake it for 15-20 minutes of 425F, I by accidentally had it on broil & and it turned out great. Try it how ever you'd like, but make sure to really broil it up at the end so the potatoes are nice and brown on top. 

Devour...but not too fast because it's hot hot!!! 

Today's menu:
Breakfast: Apple, carrot, cucumber, beet, pineapple juice...freshly pressed! 

Snack: water, peanut butter on whole grain wrap
Lunch: Shepards pie
Snack: mini cupcake
Dinner: Shepards pie
Snack: 2 mini cupcakes

Today I made sure to drink water when I felt like snacking and I got in a great workout in the afternoon.
It is 10 minutes to 8 and no eating for the rest of the night for me. Staying strong!!!!

Night night team!

Sunday 30 November 2014

Day 7

Sunday---a day of rest :) 
Church & rest! Church is not so restful, but the aftermath of church is usually---usually restful. Today I lucked out and both kids had giant naps--giant 3.5 hour naps! I didn't know those existed anymore!!  
Anyway this blog is about health & Fitness not my kids. Haha!
Breakfast: oatmeal with maple syrup & banana
Snack: those brownies I made yesterday. 
Lunch: mashed potatoes (Matthew made a butt load for the Christmas party yesterday so we have potatoes coming out the wazoooo) 
Snack: peanut butter & pretzels....and more of those brownies...and some pumpkin loaf, that I made a few days ago. I was eating mindlessly. Eating for the sake of tasting food. I knew I didn't need to eat it, but I wanted it. 
Then I felt sooooo nauseous! It was very unpleasant. My body cannot and should not consume so much food in one sitting. It's a very bad habit, and I'm determined to break it!! (See, I'm not perfect--far from it) 
Dinner: a small bowl of noodles and pasta sauce. Simple and yummy & then I was done!! 

I still stayed around my calorie target, which is around 1700 calories. Though it is a rest day so I could probably eat a little less. Less loaf...less brownies...less loaf...less brownie! 

My goal for next week, is LESS snacking & more eating fruits and veggies. 

Keeping track of what I'm eating has really put into perspective my eating habits. I'm really proud of myself for not eating after 8pm, but i know i can do a lot better with serving sizes of treats. 

Things I'm happy I did, and things I need to work on:
-Matthew cooked bacon twice this week and I didn't have any (I knew I'd pay for it later with an awful stomach ache)
- I didn't have any animal products this week and my digestive track is so happy with me!! (If you know what I mean ;)) 
-I didn't eat treats when we were at a friends for brunch
- we didn't eat out at all this week!! Yehaaaa!! This is not only good for my belly but good for our bank accounts. 
- I didn't eat after 8pm--This is going to be a goal for the WHOLE month of December!  
- I planned ahead and had food for me at work. 
- the only treats I had were baked by me, so I wasn't putting unnecessary ingredients into my body. 
- I exercised 5 times this week. 4 being EARLY morning workout. 
- I did not run, I wanted to, but I know if I am just a little more patient-- my knee will heal faster
- I drank almost a litre if water per day. (This is good for me especially days when I do my own workouts & teach insanity) 
- I made an effort to go to bed earlier, but I'll be honest I went to bed after midnight a few times. Tisk tisk!!!
- I washed my face 6 out of the 7 nights. I totally crashed last night and did NOT wash my face, I barley made it up stairs to bed!! Hah! 
-I have baked more in the last 2 weeks than I have in my whole life. It is something I can do with Adelade and it's a way for me to try healthier options to satisfy my sweet tooth :) Now I need to work on not eating it all!!!! 

Okay well, here's to week 2!! 

Look out for some tasty fresh juice recipes coming your way!! 
--peace out! 

Saturday 29 November 2014

Day 6.... Vegan black bean brownies

Check out these brownies! Seriously GO and do it!! 

Anyway, I started my day with a trip to the gym and did a little cardio followed by some strength training. It was fun! I convinced my best friend Tam, to do it with me and she obliged and only complained a few times!!! Haha! She did great :) 
So for my food--breakfast: post workout protein shake. As you can see, I never eat before I go to the gym In the am. I never have and probably never will. The only time I purposely ate before exercise is when I was running more than 15km. Oh yes, I also ate a quarter of Adelade's bagel. 
I made sure to drink lots of water today. 
Lunch: we had brunch at a friends so I ate a bunch of fresh fruit and 3 little chocolate chip pancakes. I am a major pancake major!! I'm sure there was egg & milk in them but I only had a few. There was bacon & eggs there that I did not eat, though it looked and smelled delicious I said no. 
We came home and had to leave shortly for our church Christmas party,I knew there was going to be yummy dessert so I made of the brownies that I mentioned above. They were super easy to make and I made them in a mini muffin tin. So 2 brownies was only 140 calories of fairly fence nutrition. 
Snacks: dates and a small slice of pumpkin loaf
Dinner: potatoes, stuffing & corn. I ate it from the dairy, soy, nut & gluten free table-- so I'm thinking it didn't have much animal products or any in it. 
Dessert: 4 of my brownies....I know 4 seems excessive but I ate 1 when I made them. 2 after dinner as dessert and one when we came home. Plus it's still a dessert under 300 calories---what?! 

It was almost 8pm when we got home and I was really wanting to try these chocolate covered Oreos our friends made us. It was literally 2 minutes to 8 when I ate one. It was super delicious, though it was too sweet & rich for my liking---so I'm not tempted to eat anymore. 

I did not eat after 8pm and I'm really happy with my food choices today. I want to incorporate more veggies into my meals & snacks but overall I'm happy with how I did while eating out today. 

My juicer arrived today, so I'm looking forward to more juices!!!

Friday 28 November 2014

Day 5

Happ Friday! 
Today was cold and windy and cold, but I still managed to myself OUT of my house by 6:20am and to the gym. By the way, I love having a gym that's a 3 minute drive away. So I got in and out by 7:35. My knee didn't cause me too much grief and I made sure to do my exercises & stretch! 
Breakfast: protein shake with banana & coconut milk (blended in) & a bagel with peanut butter
Snack: grapes 
Lunch: we were out all morning at a friends house and traffic was terrible so by the time we got home I was starving and I had 2 cranky over tired kids. I quickly ate some ritz crackers...not the smartest choice. I then made a bowl of pasta with marinara sauce. I added some dried seaweed sheets to it. This might sound so gross, but it was pretty good. I was still hindsight I should have just filled up my water bottle and drank up, but instead served myself a bowl of veggie straws pretzels & 1 tbsp of pb. (I have to measure my pb or else I go caaarazy!!!!) 
Dinner: I had half of adelades burrito (we are almost done our leftovers...not yet though) I wasn't terribly hungry because I had such a big snack. 
But then....then I made a yummy pumpkin loaf!! Oh it was deeelicious :) 
I definitely had more than one piece, but less then the whole thing (3 or 4 slices.... Oh it was good. BUT the good thing is I stopped eating by 8 pm and now I am chilling out watching elf with my hubster! 

So usually on the weekends I don't have the greatest eating habits (the honest truth is not always easy to acknowledge, but it's worth it) and my goal in doing all these posts is to help me overcome my poor eating habits that are keeping me from my ultimate health & fitness goals. Anyway, tomorrow we have a brunch at a friends house AND a Christmas party. Sooooo here are my goals---keep it vegan & only one serving at each meal and no treats. I know myself and if I have one I go OVERBOARD so no desserts that I don't make--- also they most likely have eggs & butter in them, which doesn't sit well in my tummy.

Okay nuff said --peace out friends

Here's the link to the recipe:

Try it!!!! 

Thursday 27 November 2014

Day 4

I totally talked myself out of my early morning workout & regretted it ALL day. Especially when I was going to the gym at 8pm at night. Lesson learned.... I hope. I do love my sleep though, so some days I know it just won't happen at 6am. 

Breakfast: bagel with peanut butter
Snack: oat bar...I ended up eating the rest of it. So no more snacking on oat bars for me! It was a healthy treat though, I'll definitely be making them again. The recipe for it is on day 1 or 2. 
Lunch: homemade leftover vegan burrito with tomato & salsa
Snack: baked ritz & more oat bar
Snack # 3....haha! I then had a banana with pretzels & peanut butter. I seriously have a thing for peanut butter & BANANAS!!!! Yummmmmo! 
Dinner: vegan chocolate protein powder mixed with water. It wasn't fancy but I was at work and had eaten so many snacks before I went left for work--that I almost didn't take anything because I wasn't hungry---BUT I knew after teaching insanity I would need SOMETHING, especially if i still had to do my own workout & didn't plan to eat after 8pm

I'm happy to report I did do my own workout, even with it blistering cold outside AND I haven't eaten past 8pm! Woot woot

This was me post power nap before work---it was the best 15 minutes EVER! I think my kids also had a power nap as this is how long their naps were too! Lol....not really funny--but I guess you can laugh about it :) 

Night night friends :) 

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Day 3

Hey world! 
Today was my rest day from my workout! Woot woot! My kids were so very kind and slept until 8 :) too bad I didn't go to bed until after midnight!! (I'm working on it) 
Small bowl of oatmeal with a bit of agave & earth balance 'butter' and an oat bar. (The ones I made yesterday--which are still very delicious)

Lunch: ancient grain bagel (side note I love bagels, I know they aren't the healthiest, but they taste so good!!) on one I had 1 tbsp white chocolate peanut butter (which is to die for) and the other was just the earth balance "butter"-1 tsp. I had a side of cucumber & grapes

Snack: baked ritz crackers....they were on sale at Walmart, and I gave into a craving. I did measure out 12 and put them in a bowl. If I don't do this I will eat half the bag. Then I had....another oat bar. 

Dinner: I worked. This evening so I packed a burrito from yesterday's leftovers. It was SOOOOOO good. I added some avocado & tomatoes. It was the perfect way the end my day. 

I got in almost a gallon of water as well. Water water water my friends. Half your body weight in ounces is a great amount to start at. 

I got home from work just after 8, and thought to myself, normally I would mindlessly snack but NO NO--- no eating after 8pm. So I put my kidlets to bed, spent a little more time reading with Adelade because I missed her and then stayed upstairs so I wouldn't be distracted with staying up late & eating. I know I could have cleaned up my living room & finished up the dishes, but I'd rather lay in bed right now and reeeeeelax. So I've been watching YouTube videos about healthy eating & blogging. 
My kind of night. 

Tomorrow's workout is scheduled for I better hit the hay by 10:30pm

Peace out world-
Ang :)

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Day 2

Hey team!!

Workout done by 9am :) today I got the luxury of working out at 7, because Matthew didn't have to go to class super early. Yay me!

Here's my food accountability! 
Breakfast: vegan protein shake
Lunch: pumpkin black bean burritos
Snack: pretzels & homemade strawberry jam oat bars
Supper: dates, vegan protein shake &.....another oat bar

My supper was not so super because I worked from 4-9pm and had to pack a supper to go & was lazy! Haha! 

Here are the links to the recipes for the burritos & oat bars: 

I hope you are all doing well and keeping up with your health & fitness goals 😀

Monday 24 November 2014

Day 1

Here's how my day rolled
5:50am: woke-up
6:15am: arrived at gym, lifted weights and got a great sweat on!
7:40am: arrived back at home, just in time to kiss my hubby goodbye as he went to school
8:00am: breakfast (protein shake)
8:00am-8:30am: fed kids
8:30-9am cleaned kitchen & showered
9am: tried to put Bentley for a nap.... Got 'ready'. 
9:30am: Bentley cried and cried, took him out of bed
9:30-3:30pm: consisted of feeding, eating, cleaning, cooking, visiting with a good friend, changing diapers, cleaning up messes, wiping up messy faces, sweeping, laundry, organized recycling. 
Lunch was carrot soup & vegan lasagna & rice barley chick pea salad with carrot cake loaf for dessert. Here's the link to the loaf:
Snack was more carrot cake was heavenly
3:30pm: Matthew got home from school, got snacks ready and bag ready for swimming
4:30pm: arrived at the pool only to find out there was swimming lessons until 7pm, so we just played in the kiddy pool & hot tub. It wasn't a complete bust
6:30pm: arrived home. Read books and put kids to bed. 
7:00pm: ate supper, which was more carrot soup & rice barley chickpea salad with avocado added & carrot cake loaf for dessert. 
7:30pm:  snack -veggie straws & pretzels with peanut butter
8:00pm: STOP EATING! 
8:15pm: started writing this
8:21pm: finished writing this. 

So as I look back on my day I see that I didn't spend a ton of time playing with my kids, I want to improve on this. Secondly, I ate a lot of carrot cake loaf--wowee--it was so good though. Thirdly, I'm so glad I got up and worked out first thing, it made a huge difference on how my day went. Fourthly, I did not eat any animal products today and I'm happy to report ZERO stomach ache!! Woot woot!! Fifthly, I would like to snack less, but I'm hoping not eating after 8pm will help with this :) 

I have a healthy challenge group on Facebook, and each week we are giving ourselves goals & challenges these are mine for the week (Some are ones that members of my group posted)  
1. Stop eating after 8pm. 
2. Wake up early & workout. 
3. Wash my face EVERY night. 
4. Brush my teeth EVERY night (I know this is terrible, but I'm trying to do better!!) 
5. Post what I eat everyday this week on my blog. 
6. Be in bed by 10:30pm
7. Watch less TV 
8. Be patient with my children and speak gently & softly to them. 
9. Be patient with running as I'm still unable to because of my knee pain. 
10. Be kinder to myself and choose to have a positive outlook 
11. No eating of animal products. 

Bring it on week!!!! 

What are your goals? How did your day look? 

Peace out- 

Sunday 23 November 2014


Hello friends,

So the last time I wrote I was doing a weekly "weight-in". Clearly you can I see I didn't keep up with those posts as it's been over 6 months since I last wrote on here. I've got some goals though that I feel I can accomplish by being more vigilant with updating this blog. 

Have you ever tried to become healthier?
Have you ever wanted to be able do something physically you couldn't do presently?
Have you every wanted to lose weight?
Have you ever compared yourself to someone else? 
Have you ever wished you were skinnier or prettier?
Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and listed off all the things you hate?
Have you ever missed a workout?
Have you ever over eaten?
Have you ever wanted a quick fix to a fit and healthy life?
Did you answer yes to any, some or all of these questions?
If so, I'm pretty sure you are human.
I can answer yes to ALL of those questions. 
Now what about these:

Have you ever looked at yourself and listed off all the things you love about yourself?
Have you ever focused on all the 'healthy choices' you made in a day, instead of the unhealthy?
Have you ever told yourself "good work" for getting up early or staying up late to squeeze in a workout? 
Have you ever let yourself not feel guilty about over eating at a family dinner?
Have you ever thought to yourself, they can do it and SO CAN I?
How nice are you being to yourself? 

Looking at those questions makes me realize that it is so much easier, it almost more habitual, to find the negative in ourselves. I feel that a healthy lifestyle starts with how we feel about ourselves. How do we talk to ourselves during the day. How are we showing love to ourselves? I know the feelings of inadequacy that can flood our minds. When I think about it, it is toxic and we need to detox our thoughts and fill our minds and soul with positive words and thoughts about ourselves and others. This will give us the energy and motivation we are searching for to push forward. 

So I challenge you, and myself included, this week to be kinder to yourself. Create a positive perceptive, see how it helps you lead a healthier fit life. I know you can do it :) 

Peace out.

Ang 😄

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Weight in Wednesday week '4'

Well it's been a few weeks folks, and well to be honest I was going through some personal stuff and I couldn't really fake it on my posts. So I chose not to post. And I have never been good at keeping up a blog. So bare with me. Anyway, I'm doing a lot better and pushing through---especially my plateau!!

So a few weeks ago I had a weight loss goal of 20lbs. After a few weeks of going up and down on the scale I thought okay let's not focus on the weight loss, but then that was like giving myself permission to go a little crazy with my eating. I've kept up with my workouts. 6 days a week baby?! 

By going crazy with my eating I mean not stopping at a bowl of ice cream.  I'd eat the bowl then some chips then some candy, then the cycle went on. I only did it in days I have crazy long runs. So it wasn't allll bad, but it definitely sabotaged all the hard work I did during the week. 

So I changed my mindset again and pumped myself up to fight through my mental and physical plateau. I have to constantly remind myself of this--no giving up allowed!!

On Monday (April 27, 2014) I started the 21 day fix. A new weight loss and fitness program by beachbody. I have to say I'm pretty pleased so far. You may wonder why I do these workout programs when I have the know-how as a Personal Trainer. Well it's because I'm human too, and sometimes it is easier for me to follow someone's instructor then plan it out myself. I do add it my own strength training routines as well as runs throughout the week. These workout DVDs I've done have taught me a lot about fitness and have changed my fitness capabilities.  It's something that works for me. {lesson learned: find what works for you, then keep doing it!-don't stop!!} 
Beginning of the 21 day fix: 162lbs (this was 2 days after a crazy long run-30km. So my muscles were swollen and I was carrying a lot of extra water) 
Today: day 3- 158.5lbs

I am sticking to the nutrition plan, following it to a tee and then doing the daily 30 minute workouts on top of running, teaching bootcamp/insanity once a week, and other various at home workouts. I am fighting hard and not giving up. 

So let my experience be a lesson to you- 'you don't have to be perfect to be successful, you just need to keep going.' No giving up peeps!

See you next week! 


Thursday 10 April 2014


Hello hello middle of the week. Man, when Wednesday hits it either feels like the week will never end or that it is flying by. Anywho, here is this weeks results. 
Last week: 159.5
This week: 159lb
Total loss:0.5lbs

So it's not a huge number, it's not really a number at all, but it's going in the right direction. I am coming to terms with the slow and steady pace. I want to find happiness in my journey not just at the finish line...figuratively speaking. Not that there is a finish line because it is my life. This isn't a 'diet' it's a lifestyle and I'm taking it one day at a time. 

Yes to be honest it's discouraging at times, but I got to put my happy pants on a keep on fighting for what I want. 

I want to focus on the present. For example when I'm with my kids, think about them, watch them, interact with them. When I'm eating...if by some miracle I'm alone really savour what I'm putting in my mouth, try not to scarf it down in 2.0 seconds (which I'm really good at doing). When I'm working out, think about what I'm doing how to get more out of it, how to push myself etc, etc. When I'm on Instagram really focus on what I'm looking at...haha just jokes!! (Almost had you didn't I!!?) 

This past week at a glance:
Fitness: I worked out 6 days. I had a 15 km run on Saturday and filled the rest of the week with running, teaching bootcamp twice, p90x3, and Blogilates (google it if you don't already know what it is). The only downer moment fitness wise I had was I injured my right wrist so I was unable to exercise at my normal capability. It's getting better though. I am in my final week of p90x3. Only 3 more workouts left?!?! Where did the last 90 days goo???!

Food: I finished up my 7 day slim down on Sunday. It was a great tool to show me how my body reacts to certain foods. I'm incorporating what I learned and some of the guidelines into my regular diet. I still track all that I times I don't want to but I KNOW it is what makes me successful. I did have a few moments of weakness. Matthew made pancakes on Sunday, and well I had was so dang delicious!!--I may have also had another one this morning..maybe..okay fine I did!! haha! I am a pancake girl all the way!! 

It's all about moderation and allowing yourself to enjoy the yummyness of life, but for me I know when I'm enjoying it and when I'm just eating crap for the sake of eating crap. There were a few other moments, but whateves, I just want you to know I don't eat perfect all the time, I am human too. 

Okay well here is to next week! Say yah later gaters 

All the best to you in health & fitness. -Ang :) 

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Weigh-in Wednesday: Week 2

Hello out there,

So here we are week 2 of my weigh-in-Wednesday. 
I have to say last week I was about ready to throw in the towel and not work so hard, but then I thought "No!--I'm not giving up on me!!"
This week I have been following a 7 day slim down that ShaunT (creator) of insanity has put on his FB and Instagram page. Now before you all think I've been drinking lemon juice and eating celery for the past 3 no!! I'm not crazy. Okay so I can be a little crazy, but not like that. I still love to workout and in order to go that I have to eat properly. 

This is it...I am using it as a guide, basically a new tool to see how my body reacts. I am not starving myself, mmmkay! So like my true self I made my own chart...I'm a little chart obsessed :) 
Isn't it pretty?! Lol. So I stuck it on my fridge and I colour in a square every time I eat. I also write down what I ate and when I ate. I also started journaling again, it is helping me sort out my emotions, so I'm not a big angry bear--I'm sure my husband appreciates it. 

So as I said I'm using this plan as a guide. I have eaten things off the list and such. I'm not going to go buy a bunch of brand new food when I've got a fridge full. That's just silliness. 

One thing I've noticed and LOVED, is I'm not bloated or sick to my stomach!!!! Wooh hoo! The whole bathroom issue (see last post) isn't totally cleared up but there has been some relief. Heck, it's better than no relief. I am still eating the same amount of calories, if not more and feeling super good.

 This may sound ridiculous but I'm really happy with myself for not following this to a T. whenever I say I'm going to do something like that, and then I eat something not on the 'list' I feel so awful I end up giving up entirely. Everyone is different, so you've got to find what works for you. This week is helping me get my cravings back in check and getting me to eat lots more veggies & protein. I'd say its a win all around. 

Oh yah I guess I am supposed to tell my weigh-in. Haha I almost just pieced out without telling you. 
Week 1:162lbs
Week 2:159.5lbs
Total loss of 2.5lbs :)...(insert happy dance) 

Later gaters!! I hope this all finds you well and good!!
I'll leave you with a few pictures of what I've been eating!

Stay strong!! Don't give up-ever!! No matter what the goal is, don't take no for an answer :)

Last picture...promise. This is a "I just lost 2lbs and ran a new PB" face lol

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Weigh-in's about to get real!

Hello Wednesday!

So I've decided to make the last 20lbs I plan on losing a blogging journey. I hope this helps those of you who are on their own health and fitness journey.

Here is a snapshot of what the reality of losing weight is like. 

So last week I weighed in at:159.5lbs
This week I weighed in at: 162lbs, yes that is right. 2.5lbs in a week....GAINED!!?! What the cheese?! are my real and true feelings. What is the point? How does this happen? I had one day of not eating 100%...and this!! I ran a freaking half marathon!! How did this happen....and so  on and so forth. 

Yesterday I was ready to through in the towel, but I know that giving up on a goal or letting a number get me down is no way to live. 

So even though I am really discouraged I know I will keep working hard everyday. #nogivingupallowed #pitypartiesareok 

Okay so now I'm gonna get real with bathroom real...#2 real. 

One part of this puzzle that I feel embarrassed talking about is that I have a feeling this increase on the scale, yes could be muscle, but in all honesty it could be because I have had troubles going to the bathroom for just over a week now. ( I know too much information--so stop reading if you are uncomfortable). I have had a lot of trouble ever since I got pregnant with my daughter, and then since having my son last September things really backed up if you catch what I'm throwing down. It's a very UNCOMFORTABLE feeling and it is so frustrating! I had it this bad about 5 months ago when I was doing insanity. I knew it had gotten so bad because in one week I had gained was not a pretty picture. 

So I took all the advice, drank tons of water, took Metamucil, ate lots more fibre, kept exercising. I had to use a concoction of laxatives to get things going and after a few weeks it got a little better, but these last 2.5 weeks I have had some major stomach pains, bloating & gas...I know so attractive. It seems to have gotten worse since I started eating even better than before. Which you'd think would be the opposite. Nope. Nope :( 

I went to my doctor when it first happened (5months ago) he pretty much laughed at me and said its something I'll have to live with. He told me to try a variety of laxatives and ultimately said if they don't work you may have to give yourself weekly enemas. HOLD THE PHONE?!?! I am a healthy 27 year old that eats well and exercises 6 days a week and this is all supposed to be normal?! I beg to differ. I went on the hunt for a new doctor but Christmas happened and I stopped. 

So I don't really know what else to do except what I did before, which made for a very very unpleasant few days. 

I am trying to add coconut water to my diet and see if the natural diuretic helps get the ball rolling. 

Yah, I know not a pretty picture. But hey, why not talk about it. It's the reality of what I'm going through, maybe I'm not alone. I apologize if this has made you uncomfortable...#storyofmylife until next week. 

Gassy Ang signing out!