Monday 22 December 2014

First run & I'm about to get SUPER JUICED!!!

I First off I must tell you about my first official run since injuring my knee!!! 

I have not ran since OCTOBER 4 2014, that is 11 weeks...okay on IG I said 13 or 14 weeks, oops!! Anyway 11 weeks of no running is a looooong time to not run for someone who has been running at least 3 days a week since January. 

I got the go ahead a week and a half ago for my physio that I could start running last Thursday the 18th, but with being sick and such it didn't happen until today. So I had instructions to walk for 5 minutes, run/walk for 15 and then walk at the end for 5 minutes. The run/walk portion was 1 minute run, 1 minute walk. It was pretty nice out considering it is the 22nd of December!! What?! Running felt so amazing, I forgot how much I missed it. I was feeling really "blue" before I went and knew I needed an endorphin pick me up, even if I was tired. Even though it was a much shorter run than what I'm used to I clocked 3 km, and my pace was 7:24min/km (average) my quickest was 5:57, which is pretty good considering I was walking and running. My knee did not hurt, I could feel pressure, but no pain. I know it needs to build up strength, so I will be diligent in getting in my runs every other day and following the outline. No 10km runs in the near future! Haha! 

This was me post run!!---I was mighty excited!!!

So now onto, me getting SUPER JUICED!!

Okay so if you haven't heard about Jason Vale, or juicing, or the documentary Super Juice me---go get your google on and then come back. 

You back?? (Hehe) okay so Jason Vale has a number of Juicing plans, I have done his 3 day plan twice now. I loved it and felt great afterwards. He has a 3 day, 5 day, 7 day, 14 day and 28 day juice detox plan. On January 5th he is hosting the worlds biggest juice detox. I originally signed up for the 5 day one, but then I thought why not give the 28 day one a try. 

Here are my reasons:
1. I have been battling a few digestive issues 
2. I've had low back pain for over a year now
3. I want to cut out/back on refined sugars and processed food
4. I want to clear my system and start fresh
5. I have acute acne I'd like to clear up
6. I have 15lbs of body fat I need to lose. 
7. I feel sluggish and tired a lot 

So what I'd like to achieve from the 28 day super juice me plan is 
1. More energy
2. Body fat loss
3. Clear skin
4. A better working digestive system
5. Controlled cravings for unhealthy foods
6. Less low back pain.

My plan is to start juicing on the 5th. I am going to do 30minute+ exercise in the am and 30 minutes in the evening. This will help my metabolism going and keep me building muscle. 

Now before you get all "juice for 28 days, you are crazy" well maybe I am, but I know that I am putting healthy vitamins and nutrients into my body. I'm not doing a 28 day McDonald's eating frenzy. 

I am going to document my journey on here, so in 13 days get ready to be super juiced!!!!

Eeeekkk, now that I wrote it, it's out there. No turning back!!! Good thing no one reads my blog....

Peace out :) 


Oh yes here is my food for the day!

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