Sunday 30 November 2014

Day 7

Sunday---a day of rest :) 
Church & rest! Church is not so restful, but the aftermath of church is usually---usually restful. Today I lucked out and both kids had giant naps--giant 3.5 hour naps! I didn't know those existed anymore!!  
Anyway this blog is about health & Fitness not my kids. Haha!
Breakfast: oatmeal with maple syrup & banana
Snack: those brownies I made yesterday. 
Lunch: mashed potatoes (Matthew made a butt load for the Christmas party yesterday so we have potatoes coming out the wazoooo) 
Snack: peanut butter & pretzels....and more of those brownies...and some pumpkin loaf, that I made a few days ago. I was eating mindlessly. Eating for the sake of tasting food. I knew I didn't need to eat it, but I wanted it. 
Then I felt sooooo nauseous! It was very unpleasant. My body cannot and should not consume so much food in one sitting. It's a very bad habit, and I'm determined to break it!! (See, I'm not perfect--far from it) 
Dinner: a small bowl of noodles and pasta sauce. Simple and yummy & then I was done!! 

I still stayed around my calorie target, which is around 1700 calories. Though it is a rest day so I could probably eat a little less. Less loaf...less brownies...less loaf...less brownie! 

My goal for next week, is LESS snacking & more eating fruits and veggies. 

Keeping track of what I'm eating has really put into perspective my eating habits. I'm really proud of myself for not eating after 8pm, but i know i can do a lot better with serving sizes of treats. 

Things I'm happy I did, and things I need to work on:
-Matthew cooked bacon twice this week and I didn't have any (I knew I'd pay for it later with an awful stomach ache)
- I didn't have any animal products this week and my digestive track is so happy with me!! (If you know what I mean ;)) 
-I didn't eat treats when we were at a friends for brunch
- we didn't eat out at all this week!! Yehaaaa!! This is not only good for my belly but good for our bank accounts. 
- I didn't eat after 8pm--This is going to be a goal for the WHOLE month of December!  
- I planned ahead and had food for me at work. 
- the only treats I had were baked by me, so I wasn't putting unnecessary ingredients into my body. 
- I exercised 5 times this week. 4 being EARLY morning workout. 
- I did not run, I wanted to, but I know if I am just a little more patient-- my knee will heal faster
- I drank almost a litre if water per day. (This is good for me especially days when I do my own workouts & teach insanity) 
- I made an effort to go to bed earlier, but I'll be honest I went to bed after midnight a few times. Tisk tisk!!!
- I washed my face 6 out of the 7 nights. I totally crashed last night and did NOT wash my face, I barley made it up stairs to bed!! Hah! 
-I have baked more in the last 2 weeks than I have in my whole life. It is something I can do with Adelade and it's a way for me to try healthier options to satisfy my sweet tooth :) Now I need to work on not eating it all!!!! 

Okay well, here's to week 2!! 

Look out for some tasty fresh juice recipes coming your way!! 
--peace out! 

Saturday 29 November 2014

Day 6.... Vegan black bean brownies

Check out these brownies! Seriously GO and do it!! 

Anyway, I started my day with a trip to the gym and did a little cardio followed by some strength training. It was fun! I convinced my best friend Tam, to do it with me and she obliged and only complained a few times!!! Haha! She did great :) 
So for my food--breakfast: post workout protein shake. As you can see, I never eat before I go to the gym In the am. I never have and probably never will. The only time I purposely ate before exercise is when I was running more than 15km. Oh yes, I also ate a quarter of Adelade's bagel. 
I made sure to drink lots of water today. 
Lunch: we had brunch at a friends so I ate a bunch of fresh fruit and 3 little chocolate chip pancakes. I am a major pancake major!! I'm sure there was egg & milk in them but I only had a few. There was bacon & eggs there that I did not eat, though it looked and smelled delicious I said no. 
We came home and had to leave shortly for our church Christmas party,I knew there was going to be yummy dessert so I made of the brownies that I mentioned above. They were super easy to make and I made them in a mini muffin tin. So 2 brownies was only 140 calories of fairly fence nutrition. 
Snacks: dates and a small slice of pumpkin loaf
Dinner: potatoes, stuffing & corn. I ate it from the dairy, soy, nut & gluten free table-- so I'm thinking it didn't have much animal products or any in it. 
Dessert: 4 of my brownies....I know 4 seems excessive but I ate 1 when I made them. 2 after dinner as dessert and one when we came home. Plus it's still a dessert under 300 calories---what?! 

It was almost 8pm when we got home and I was really wanting to try these chocolate covered Oreos our friends made us. It was literally 2 minutes to 8 when I ate one. It was super delicious, though it was too sweet & rich for my liking---so I'm not tempted to eat anymore. 

I did not eat after 8pm and I'm really happy with my food choices today. I want to incorporate more veggies into my meals & snacks but overall I'm happy with how I did while eating out today. 

My juicer arrived today, so I'm looking forward to more juices!!!

Friday 28 November 2014

Day 5

Happ Friday! 
Today was cold and windy and cold, but I still managed to myself OUT of my house by 6:20am and to the gym. By the way, I love having a gym that's a 3 minute drive away. So I got in and out by 7:35. My knee didn't cause me too much grief and I made sure to do my exercises & stretch! 
Breakfast: protein shake with banana & coconut milk (blended in) & a bagel with peanut butter
Snack: grapes 
Lunch: we were out all morning at a friends house and traffic was terrible so by the time we got home I was starving and I had 2 cranky over tired kids. I quickly ate some ritz crackers...not the smartest choice. I then made a bowl of pasta with marinara sauce. I added some dried seaweed sheets to it. This might sound so gross, but it was pretty good. I was still hindsight I should have just filled up my water bottle and drank up, but instead served myself a bowl of veggie straws pretzels & 1 tbsp of pb. (I have to measure my pb or else I go caaarazy!!!!) 
Dinner: I had half of adelades burrito (we are almost done our leftovers...not yet though) I wasn't terribly hungry because I had such a big snack. 
But then....then I made a yummy pumpkin loaf!! Oh it was deeelicious :) 
I definitely had more than one piece, but less then the whole thing (3 or 4 slices.... Oh it was good. BUT the good thing is I stopped eating by 8 pm and now I am chilling out watching elf with my hubster! 

So usually on the weekends I don't have the greatest eating habits (the honest truth is not always easy to acknowledge, but it's worth it) and my goal in doing all these posts is to help me overcome my poor eating habits that are keeping me from my ultimate health & fitness goals. Anyway, tomorrow we have a brunch at a friends house AND a Christmas party. Sooooo here are my goals---keep it vegan & only one serving at each meal and no treats. I know myself and if I have one I go OVERBOARD so no desserts that I don't make--- also they most likely have eggs & butter in them, which doesn't sit well in my tummy.

Okay nuff said --peace out friends

Here's the link to the recipe:

Try it!!!! 

Thursday 27 November 2014

Day 4

I totally talked myself out of my early morning workout & regretted it ALL day. Especially when I was going to the gym at 8pm at night. Lesson learned.... I hope. I do love my sleep though, so some days I know it just won't happen at 6am. 

Breakfast: bagel with peanut butter
Snack: oat bar...I ended up eating the rest of it. So no more snacking on oat bars for me! It was a healthy treat though, I'll definitely be making them again. The recipe for it is on day 1 or 2. 
Lunch: homemade leftover vegan burrito with tomato & salsa
Snack: baked ritz & more oat bar
Snack # 3....haha! I then had a banana with pretzels & peanut butter. I seriously have a thing for peanut butter & BANANAS!!!! Yummmmmo! 
Dinner: vegan chocolate protein powder mixed with water. It wasn't fancy but I was at work and had eaten so many snacks before I went left for work--that I almost didn't take anything because I wasn't hungry---BUT I knew after teaching insanity I would need SOMETHING, especially if i still had to do my own workout & didn't plan to eat after 8pm

I'm happy to report I did do my own workout, even with it blistering cold outside AND I haven't eaten past 8pm! Woot woot

This was me post power nap before work---it was the best 15 minutes EVER! I think my kids also had a power nap as this is how long their naps were too! Lol....not really funny--but I guess you can laugh about it :) 

Night night friends :) 

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Day 3

Hey world! 
Today was my rest day from my workout! Woot woot! My kids were so very kind and slept until 8 :) too bad I didn't go to bed until after midnight!! (I'm working on it) 
Small bowl of oatmeal with a bit of agave & earth balance 'butter' and an oat bar. (The ones I made yesterday--which are still very delicious)

Lunch: ancient grain bagel (side note I love bagels, I know they aren't the healthiest, but they taste so good!!) on one I had 1 tbsp white chocolate peanut butter (which is to die for) and the other was just the earth balance "butter"-1 tsp. I had a side of cucumber & grapes

Snack: baked ritz crackers....they were on sale at Walmart, and I gave into a craving. I did measure out 12 and put them in a bowl. If I don't do this I will eat half the bag. Then I had....another oat bar. 

Dinner: I worked. This evening so I packed a burrito from yesterday's leftovers. It was SOOOOOO good. I added some avocado & tomatoes. It was the perfect way the end my day. 

I got in almost a gallon of water as well. Water water water my friends. Half your body weight in ounces is a great amount to start at. 

I got home from work just after 8, and thought to myself, normally I would mindlessly snack but NO NO--- no eating after 8pm. So I put my kidlets to bed, spent a little more time reading with Adelade because I missed her and then stayed upstairs so I wouldn't be distracted with staying up late & eating. I know I could have cleaned up my living room & finished up the dishes, but I'd rather lay in bed right now and reeeeeelax. So I've been watching YouTube videos about healthy eating & blogging. 
My kind of night. 

Tomorrow's workout is scheduled for I better hit the hay by 10:30pm

Peace out world-
Ang :)

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Day 2

Hey team!!

Workout done by 9am :) today I got the luxury of working out at 7, because Matthew didn't have to go to class super early. Yay me!

Here's my food accountability! 
Breakfast: vegan protein shake
Lunch: pumpkin black bean burritos
Snack: pretzels & homemade strawberry jam oat bars
Supper: dates, vegan protein shake &.....another oat bar

My supper was not so super because I worked from 4-9pm and had to pack a supper to go & was lazy! Haha! 

Here are the links to the recipes for the burritos & oat bars: 

I hope you are all doing well and keeping up with your health & fitness goals 😀

Monday 24 November 2014

Day 1

Here's how my day rolled
5:50am: woke-up
6:15am: arrived at gym, lifted weights and got a great sweat on!
7:40am: arrived back at home, just in time to kiss my hubby goodbye as he went to school
8:00am: breakfast (protein shake)
8:00am-8:30am: fed kids
8:30-9am cleaned kitchen & showered
9am: tried to put Bentley for a nap.... Got 'ready'. 
9:30am: Bentley cried and cried, took him out of bed
9:30-3:30pm: consisted of feeding, eating, cleaning, cooking, visiting with a good friend, changing diapers, cleaning up messes, wiping up messy faces, sweeping, laundry, organized recycling. 
Lunch was carrot soup & vegan lasagna & rice barley chick pea salad with carrot cake loaf for dessert. Here's the link to the loaf:
Snack was more carrot cake was heavenly
3:30pm: Matthew got home from school, got snacks ready and bag ready for swimming
4:30pm: arrived at the pool only to find out there was swimming lessons until 7pm, so we just played in the kiddy pool & hot tub. It wasn't a complete bust
6:30pm: arrived home. Read books and put kids to bed. 
7:00pm: ate supper, which was more carrot soup & rice barley chickpea salad with avocado added & carrot cake loaf for dessert. 
7:30pm:  snack -veggie straws & pretzels with peanut butter
8:00pm: STOP EATING! 
8:15pm: started writing this
8:21pm: finished writing this. 

So as I look back on my day I see that I didn't spend a ton of time playing with my kids, I want to improve on this. Secondly, I ate a lot of carrot cake loaf--wowee--it was so good though. Thirdly, I'm so glad I got up and worked out first thing, it made a huge difference on how my day went. Fourthly, I did not eat any animal products today and I'm happy to report ZERO stomach ache!! Woot woot!! Fifthly, I would like to snack less, but I'm hoping not eating after 8pm will help with this :) 

I have a healthy challenge group on Facebook, and each week we are giving ourselves goals & challenges these are mine for the week (Some are ones that members of my group posted)  
1. Stop eating after 8pm. 
2. Wake up early & workout. 
3. Wash my face EVERY night. 
4. Brush my teeth EVERY night (I know this is terrible, but I'm trying to do better!!) 
5. Post what I eat everyday this week on my blog. 
6. Be in bed by 10:30pm
7. Watch less TV 
8. Be patient with my children and speak gently & softly to them. 
9. Be patient with running as I'm still unable to because of my knee pain. 
10. Be kinder to myself and choose to have a positive outlook 
11. No eating of animal products. 

Bring it on week!!!! 

What are your goals? How did your day look? 

Peace out- 

Sunday 23 November 2014


Hello friends,

So the last time I wrote I was doing a weekly "weight-in". Clearly you can I see I didn't keep up with those posts as it's been over 6 months since I last wrote on here. I've got some goals though that I feel I can accomplish by being more vigilant with updating this blog. 

Have you ever tried to become healthier?
Have you ever wanted to be able do something physically you couldn't do presently?
Have you every wanted to lose weight?
Have you ever compared yourself to someone else? 
Have you ever wished you were skinnier or prettier?
Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and listed off all the things you hate?
Have you ever missed a workout?
Have you ever over eaten?
Have you ever wanted a quick fix to a fit and healthy life?
Did you answer yes to any, some or all of these questions?
If so, I'm pretty sure you are human.
I can answer yes to ALL of those questions. 
Now what about these:

Have you ever looked at yourself and listed off all the things you love about yourself?
Have you ever focused on all the 'healthy choices' you made in a day, instead of the unhealthy?
Have you ever told yourself "good work" for getting up early or staying up late to squeeze in a workout? 
Have you ever let yourself not feel guilty about over eating at a family dinner?
Have you ever thought to yourself, they can do it and SO CAN I?
How nice are you being to yourself? 

Looking at those questions makes me realize that it is so much easier, it almost more habitual, to find the negative in ourselves. I feel that a healthy lifestyle starts with how we feel about ourselves. How do we talk to ourselves during the day. How are we showing love to ourselves? I know the feelings of inadequacy that can flood our minds. When I think about it, it is toxic and we need to detox our thoughts and fill our minds and soul with positive words and thoughts about ourselves and others. This will give us the energy and motivation we are searching for to push forward. 

So I challenge you, and myself included, this week to be kinder to yourself. Create a positive perceptive, see how it helps you lead a healthier fit life. I know you can do it :) 

Peace out.

Ang 😄