Friday 7 February 2014

The story continues

Welcome back to my life, I've been MIA on here for almost a year. Sorry!!! This post is to give you an update on where I'm at fitness wise--this is just a part of my life, not all of it. My personal/family blog covers all the other bits!! 

  Last we left off I was having a baby. Well I had a beautiful healthy baby boy September 1, 2013. He is such a joy! Before I got pregnant with my son I had worked really hard to get in shape a lose excess weight I'd been caring around for 10 years!! You can read more about that in the "about me" section.  I had done it, I was working out 3-5 times a week I was at a comfortable healthy weight. I was even running bootcamps and personal training. 

Not to say it all stopped when I got pregnant, but it definitely changed. I still tried to workout regularly and eat well but it wasn't long before I was eating too much and not working out enough. I stopped running at 26 weeks and with that so did all other physical activity. I felt awful, I was reverting back to old eating habits and wasn't able to workout like I had been. I know things change when you are pregnant and you have to change your workouts, I was aware if this.  I had even taken a pre and post natal personal training certification course. I knew what I could be doing, and I wasn't doing it. (Story of my life...that is why I always have laundry to do--lol) 

So after the birth of my baby boy, I was pretty choked when I realized I was almost where I was after my last baby, except this was all 'baby weight'. I had gained about 50 whopping pounds. It was not my finest moment, but I couldn't turn back time, all I could do was change what I was doing and what I was going to do. 

Even though I was not as physically active as I'd hope to have been I was still in WAY better shape than when I had my daughter. I was itching to get back into running and cross-training. I started doing some light jogging at about 3-4 weeks hindsight I was being a bit over-zealous. I was listening to my body, and did more walking than jogging. It was a start. 

After the birth of my daughter I experienced postpartum depression and I was very afraid of experiencing it again. I  knew that one thing that would help me feel better was to exercise and eat well. I started with eating. I went on weight watchers again ( though after a few months I just got a calorie counter app to keep me accountable- WAY cheaper and does what I want) I've learned that I am a much more dedicated person when I keep track of what I'm doing. 

At my 6 week postpartum mark I started the at home workout program "Insanity". I think it was on Thanksgiving that I started. Oh my goodness--those first few weeks were almost unbearable. I was huffing and puffing my way through each jumping jack, power knee and push-up. It all seemed so HARD!! Over time it got easier, but it was still hard because I just pushed myself that much more. At the end of month 1 I was seeing some major changes in my body, it kept me motivated to continue to month 2. 

Month 2-- well it was even more insane. I was now getting into a routine of working out 6 days a week. I would even do some of the videos with my daughter. She loved it!! She still asks to "essersize with mommy!" It makes me so happy to see her jump around and take swigs from  her sippy cup when I drink from my water bottle. Month 2 required more tine commitnent, but I pushed through and I finished month 2, which is the entire program, just before Christmas. 

 Here are some stats: (welcome to my world) 
Ending pregnancy weight: 200ish lbs (I stopped looking at the scale at the doctors office when I hit 190, so truthfully I have no idea)
2 weeks postpartum: 186lbs
6 weeks post: 181lbs (started insanity Oct. 14th 2013)
After insanity: 167.5lbs (December 23rd 2013)

I will be honest I was hoping to lose more with insanity, but I was very happy with where my fitness level was at. Even though I couldn't fit my pre prego pants, I was very happy that I committed to completing the program. I have start to change my mindset from "I just want to lose weight and get in shape" to "I want to train hard eat clean, indulge once in a while and FEEL AWESOME!!" Working out for me has always been a major endorphin kick, and always makes me feel better! BUT I am trying to learn how to balance it all, so I am not overdoing it in one area and slacking in another-or-feeling bad about missing a workout or eating some cake. I am human. I want to feel good and enjoy life, even the chocolate cake side of it. 

My story continues, just as all of ours does. I am not immune to feeling bad about myself or wanting to scarf down a bag of chips. 
I'm learning more about myself everyday. 
I'm learning that I can push myself a lot harder than I have.
I'm learning to be happy with where I'm at. If I don't love me now, what's 20lbs going to change?

I love being happy and making others happy.  It's a choice though, and somedays it's hard to choose my happy pants when my cranky pants fit better. ;) 

I wrote this to show myself and others that I'm not perfect, I don't try to be. Each day I try to be a better version of my yesterday self (easier said than done!!) 

Now for my fitness goals are to 
1. Run a full marathon
2. Complete P90x3 with my husband 
3. Get my mind and body ready to run bootcamps starting this spring!!!

What are yours?

Yes I've got weightloss goals, but I believe that as I work towards my fitness goals and take care of myself it will all work out in the end. 

Wishing you happiness and health! 
