Wednesday 26 March 2014

Weigh-in's about to get real!

Hello Wednesday!

So I've decided to make the last 20lbs I plan on losing a blogging journey. I hope this helps those of you who are on their own health and fitness journey.

Here is a snapshot of what the reality of losing weight is like. 

So last week I weighed in at:159.5lbs
This week I weighed in at: 162lbs, yes that is right. 2.5lbs in a week....GAINED!!?! What the cheese?! are my real and true feelings. What is the point? How does this happen? I had one day of not eating 100%...and this!! I ran a freaking half marathon!! How did this happen....and so  on and so forth. 

Yesterday I was ready to through in the towel, but I know that giving up on a goal or letting a number get me down is no way to live. 

So even though I am really discouraged I know I will keep working hard everyday. #nogivingupallowed #pitypartiesareok 

Okay so now I'm gonna get real with bathroom real...#2 real. 

One part of this puzzle that I feel embarrassed talking about is that I have a feeling this increase on the scale, yes could be muscle, but in all honesty it could be because I have had troubles going to the bathroom for just over a week now. ( I know too much information--so stop reading if you are uncomfortable). I have had a lot of trouble ever since I got pregnant with my daughter, and then since having my son last September things really backed up if you catch what I'm throwing down. It's a very UNCOMFORTABLE feeling and it is so frustrating! I had it this bad about 5 months ago when I was doing insanity. I knew it had gotten so bad because in one week I had gained was not a pretty picture. 

So I took all the advice, drank tons of water, took Metamucil, ate lots more fibre, kept exercising. I had to use a concoction of laxatives to get things going and after a few weeks it got a little better, but these last 2.5 weeks I have had some major stomach pains, bloating & gas...I know so attractive. It seems to have gotten worse since I started eating even better than before. Which you'd think would be the opposite. Nope. Nope :( 

I went to my doctor when it first happened (5months ago) he pretty much laughed at me and said its something I'll have to live with. He told me to try a variety of laxatives and ultimately said if they don't work you may have to give yourself weekly enemas. HOLD THE PHONE?!?! I am a healthy 27 year old that eats well and exercises 6 days a week and this is all supposed to be normal?! I beg to differ. I went on the hunt for a new doctor but Christmas happened and I stopped. 

So I don't really know what else to do except what I did before, which made for a very very unpleasant few days. 

I am trying to add coconut water to my diet and see if the natural diuretic helps get the ball rolling. 

Yah, I know not a pretty picture. But hey, why not talk about it. It's the reality of what I'm going through, maybe I'm not alone. I apologize if this has made you uncomfortable...#storyofmylife until next week. 

Gassy Ang signing out! 

Thursday 20 March 2014

Weightloss & Fitness update

I canNOT believe it is March?! Seriously where has the time gone.

Here are my updates as it pertains to weightloss and fitness not spit-up & poopy diapers (disappointing I know)

Marathon Training:
I started training for a full marathon at the beginning of January. I am already on week 12 of training. It is crazy!! 9 weeks until my marathon. Oh yes side note, due to personal reasons I decided not to run the Calgary Marathon because it is on a Sunday (if you want to know more as to why, feel free to ask, but I won't go into it right now). So I decided to run my own race--whether it be just another run I told my Husband there is going to be a start line and a finish line and perhaps I will pay some of my friends to hold of signs or cups of water along the way! I am not sure of all the legistics that go into hosting a run, and I'm sure there are A LOT, so it may just be a fun run with all my friends and family also doing runs of their owns (5k, 10k, half marathons)--why not right?! I'm sure I can find medals on ebay! :) Then we will have a big ol' bar-b-que. May 31, 2014--mark your calendars!

As for training I run 3 days a week M-W & Saturday and then I do P90X3 and sometimes other workouts 6 days a week. Currently the farthest distance I have ran is 21.5 km, which took 2hr 40min. I have a half marathon race this Saturday March 22, 2014 which I am pretty pumped for. My goal is to run it in withing 2hr15 min- 2 hr30min, but I will be happy to just cross the finish line! I have a friend who is signed up as well, so I am excited to see how we do. I hit a new pb on Monday (March 17th) and ran 9km in 47/48min, it was on the treadmill at the gym. So all in all it is going well, I haven't missed a run yet!...(hopefully I didn't just jinx myself)

One of my few outside runs this year! Someday the snow will melt...someday!

Oh P90X, how I love to hate you some days. I do love that the workouts are 30 minutes, so they are totally doable on a tight time frame. The variety of the workouts are great too. I definitely have noticed I am getting stronger,seeing how I need to invest in some heavier weights. When we ordered P90X3, we also went and bought chin-up bars.

I then bought a chin-up assist band, which takes off some weight, so you are able to do a real chin-up or pull-up. I then started a challenge for myself to do 25 chin-ups and 25 pull-ups a day--in the hopes that I could do 1 pull-up or chin-up unassisted. After month 1 I took off one of the resistance bands, and just the other day I tried to do one with the assist band, and by golly I am getting close. I look forward to showing you the videos from when I first started, to when I can do one. It is pretty cool my friends, pretty dang cool!

Clearly unable to take a normal picture...
Do you smell that?! It's the smell of sweet sweat!?!

Us being all silly :)

Okay, I got a little off topic--p90x3 is going well. I have got 4 weeks to go. I love doing the workouts with my hubby, though he has missed a few more days than me, we have mostly done the entire program together. It has definitely made our relationship stronger (literally...bahah!) no serious, I feel like we are getting along better and all that good stuff. As for results so far, they haven't been mind blowing or as drastic as they were with insanity, but they are there and they are going in the right direction!

Starting weight before p90x3: 166lbs
Current weight {March 20, 2014}: 159.5lbs
Welcome to the gun show!
Inches lost:
Bust: 0
Waist: -3/4"
Waist at belly button: -3 1/4" (WOWEE!!--babybellybegone)
Hip:-1 1/4"
Arm:+1/4"...grrr come on wings, fly away!!!

So as you can see nothing major, BUT I am that much closer to getting to my goal!!

I have to admit, posting my weight and results for all to see is a bit scary, not as scary as being naked in public, but it's close! (lol) I feel exposed. Though I think it is time to embrace who we are, what are bodies look like, what our bodies can do and be grateful and happy!!! I would be lying if I said I was really really excited about my results so far, I will admit after month 1 I cried on Matthew's shoulder because I only went down like 1 inch and  2 lbs. It was VERY VERY discouraging especially because I didn't know what I was doing wrong. I was working out, eating well AND training for a marathon. I didn't (and still don't) know what more I can do. So I kept on going into month 2. Since then I have been working REALLY REALLY hard on staying positive and not focusing so much on what the scale says and more on what my body can do, how I feel mentally & emotionally & how my clothes fit. Weightloss is not just about losing the weight, it is a totally mental battle. You have to find happiness in where you are I am working on this, ummm...easier said than done.

I have been hemming and having on whether to talk about my weight loss goal, because as I just said focusing too much on the scale can have really adverse effects, but I feel like setting a goal and telling people about it help you achieve it.
Number goal: 140lb (there I said it)....BUT I have a bigger and better goal, which is a FEELING goal: I want to feel 100% comfortable in my own body. I want to look at myself and see what my husbands sees. I don't want to attach my feeling goal with my number goal. Like when I am 140lbs I will feel...etc. etc. you know what I mean. I have a certain goal of how I want my body to feel and look, and that is what I am striving for. The number on the scale is just another way I stay accountable, but not the ONLY way. I know I've heard the whole "throw away the scale" speech, and yes I agree with not attaching beauty to a number, beauty has NOTHING to do with that number, nothing!! But again I would be lying if I said I didn't care about the scale, I do, it helps me along my journey, but it doesn't define it. (I have to remind myself of this weekly!) 

I am going to Hawaii in the beginning of June (SOOOOO excited) and I want to feel AWESOME when I go. What I really want is to fit my shorts, so I don't have to go buy a bunch of new ones--lol. I said to Matthew (my hubby) today, "you know, when we go to Hawaii, your wife is going to have a smokin hot bod (I was being cheeky)"...and his reply was (get ready to say awww) "my wife already has a smokin hot bod!"...okay I'll keep him. Just jokes! I love him dearly and none of this was for him, it was for me, and that was the magic ingredient. 2 years ago when I started on this journey the only thing different than ALLL the countless times before was that I was doing it for ME, not for the guys to like me, or to be part of the popular group, or to look like the girls in the magazines (because now I know it's impossible, unless I buy Photoshop) I was doing it for ME. 

Perhaps, that is your missing ingredient. You are worth it! You best believe it :) I write this in hopes that my thoughts and experiences can help someone- somewhere be the best version of themselves, that it might give someone the motivation or encouragement to believe in themselves to know they can do it! It sounds so cliche, but if I can do--YOU can do it. 'It' being to set a goal and work your butt of to reach it. Set goals, because you can't reach them if you don't set them.

Take care my friends!!
Ang :)...I'll leave you with some random photos, enjoy!!

Doing box jumps for the first time!!
This is what happens when you psych yourself out in the middle of a box jump...ouch

I swear Matthew does own a shirt....hehehe!
Post workout photoshoot--hah! yah right :)

Some of the yummy clean foods I've been eating...oh my yummmy!
Fitting into my favorite pair of pre-prego jeans...I can't wear them out yet, but they do up!!! :)
Trying on some american eagle jeans...and they fit!! it was a happy change room moment, clearly deserved a selfie!

Lesson learned & Yolo meals!

Hello Friends,

I learned something tonight, it's one of those things I will keep learning over and over and over again. 

So I was tired (what's new), and a wee bit cranky (yah, that's not new either) and I was being an ultra lazy mom and just laying on the ground with my daughter and son while we watched the movie "hop". My husband had just left for scouts camp for 2 days, so I was feeling super unmotivated to do anything. 

After I put the kids to bed, which has been good and bad lately because they are both sick, so they cry...a lot, I thought to myself "oh my goodness, I just want to scarf down on a bag of chips, eat a bunch of chocolate and NOT workout". WELL, that didn't happen--instead I put my big girl panties on (literally--lol) and got changed into my workout clothes before I could tell myself to stop. Then I went down stairs and amidst the piles of laundry I need to fold and dishes I needed to clean, I popped in my p90x3 DVD and got my sweat on! Right away I felt WAY better. I was bending and hopping and reaching and touching. I got so distracted my the workout I stopped having a pity party and started feeling happy.

So lesson learned of the day. When you feel like eating an entire carton of ice cream, or the salty bag of whatever in your cupboard STOP go put your workout clothes on and PRESS "PLAY", as in workout. Whether it is your own workout plan, a walk, a run, a bike ride,an online workout or a DVD. Then once you do, see how you feel, and if my experience stand correct you should feel pretty darn good. 

This is not to say you can't or shouldn't have those 'treats' in your life, because oh my I think they are important and worth it. But wouldn't you rather savor your special treat for a moment of happiness not emotional lows. I would at least.

I heard this term 'YOLO' meal the other day on a YouTube video. I had NO idea what this was, and apparently it's a popular term (I am not in the loop I guess). So YOLO stands for You Only Live Once meal. It is embracing food in all that it is, and it is meant for celebrating and bringing people together. It is taking a positive spin on the expression cheat meal, and you know I'm all about the positivity--SO I LOVE the term YOLO!!!!
(Check out the video here-- copy and paste it into your brower)

What's your YOLO meal?!

Mine is going to be a Five Guys burger and fries....and I am so NOT kidding!!! it's gonna be GREAT! 

Take care & all the best in health and fitness
