Monday 22 December 2014

Day 26-27&28

Hey folks! So it's been a bit busy-crazy-tired at night kind of weekend hence the lack of posts. BUT I still tracked my food. 

I was not very healthy this weekend food wise--I will warn you now, I had peters on Friday night & Chinese on Saturday night.

My body feels really blah, which leads me to feel very blah. Also I am extremely bloated---maybe it's the diary?? 

I am almost over this cold. The antibiotics seems to be working, so I've been able to get in some workouts. Woot woot!!

Today (Monday) I did an insanity workout in the morning with my kids. I felt so completely out of shape that I wanted to crawl up in a hole and cry. My stomach was flapping around and I could barley keep up with the moves. I felt tired and weak and overweight. (Don't mind my pity party). This is what happens when you take almost 2 weeks off from exercise. I know that my body needed the rest, but I can also tell that my clothes aren't fitting how they normally do. My midsection is still carrying excess weight that I planned on losing this year. I only lost 8-10 pounds this entire year, yes I know I gained muscle mass, but my stomach is still the same size it was earlier this year. 

Today I was thinking about how we view our bodies. I want to have a positive body image and show that to others especially my children. Yes beauty is not defined by a number on a scale or by the size of clothes you wear, but there is beauty in happiness. I love my body---I love it enough to be happy with it. I am not happy it right now so I plan on working on it. I have spent a good amount of time maintaining my weight and now I'm ready to step it up and get these last 15lbs OF FAT gone!!!! I don't care if the number on the scale stays the same, but I want and need to lose some excess body fat to be able to reach my fitness goals. I want to be an athlete and a runner, I want to lift heavy and jump high I want a tight stomach. I want to be happy with the body I love. 

Here's my weekend food tracking :) 




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