Saturday 10 January 2015

SUPER JUICE ME! Day 6 of 28

I'm finishing up day 6 of the super juice me plan by Jason vale, almost a week of juicing---say what?!

So here is how this plan works, I downloaded the "super juice me" app....and follow it. Hah! There are 4 juices a day. 2 thickness and 2 thinies, and everyday starts with either a shot of Apple and ginger or a shot of cucumber and celery. The "ginger shot" burns my throat, and REALLY wakes you up, the cucumber celery shot is really refreshing, I actually like it. 

So the thickies, they are a juice blended with avocado or banana or both. You have it in the morning and at night. I have liked most of them, some have had an odd tastes (too much cauliflower or ginger..not good!) but the majority are great. 

The thinies...well to be honest I don't looove them, but I bare through it. Some have been really surprising. This one had tomatoe & cabbage in it, I was expecting to hate it but I think it's been my favorite one all week. 

The hard parts, yes this hasn't been easy, what is? BUT withdrawing from sugar and processed foods has been worth it. I've felt tired,cranky, nausea, hungry, but I don't focus on it. I'm only writing about it, so no one (including myself) doesn't think this hasn't had side effects. Feeding my kids, while feeding myself has been difficult, grilled cheese & chicken has never smelt so good!!! 

Hunger SOS! So with the program he's outlined hunger sos'. If you are feeling like you need a little extra something you can have something without feeling like you are going off the plan. They are an avocado, banana, Apple, a 'juice bar' (I don't have any of these). So far I had 1 half an avocado yesterday morning and today I had a banana....then I had an avocado tonight.  That's not totally on have 3 in one day, but I'm moving on and not letting an extra few hunger sos' stop me! 

Things I'm learning: 
-I'm totally an emotional eater, like totally!--yesterday I wasn't having a great moment (like a pre-period not great moment--sorry tmi) and I found I really wanted to eat, just to make me feel better. Food isn't going to make me feel better long term, I have to remember this!! 
-I have a choice, I have a choice whether to juice or not to, no one is forcing me to drink it. So why complain and be cranky about it. 

Well onto healthy eating and drinking (hah)! 

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